Monday, December 22, 2008

Day One
There are moms out there that look forward to their kids being out of school. They love the time with their kids. They enjoy doing projects and playing. They are organized and ready for any craziness that could creep into their day.
I am not one of those moms.
Oh, I love my kids and I love to be with them, but I fly by the seat of my pants. I'm a little crazy and tend to be more than a little unorganized. I procrastinate and don't plan ahead as much as I should. Often times this leads to chaos in our home. This week is going to be a good example of that.
My kids are bored - already. It's only the first day of Christmas break and they can't seem to find anything to do but watch movies and play video games. I really don't want to spend the next two weeks plugged into the t.v.
But, I didn't plan. I didn't prepare. I don't really have anything for them to do and so now? Well, now I'm paying the price.
When kids are bored they do the most natural thing possible - they fight. We have had some lovely disagreements today over toys, treats, Wii games, lunch, movies...etc.
It doesn't help that I have no desire to leave the house. The snow-bats (a.k.a. cranky old people who are escaping the frozen north) have descended on our valley and their driving is more than frightening (yes, I know that there are a lot of very nice old people who drive very well... there just aren't very many of them HERE).
I do not want to stand in lines with my kids at this moment. I'll stay home and let them drive me crazy before I take them out in public by myself. Especially since they are all in such stellar moods (it doesn't help that I had the brilliant idea of letting them sleep under the Christmas tree last night... Little Bug didn't get to sleep till 11:00 and Red and Baby Girl were up for the day by 6:00... so, my idea was good in theory, but perhaps not in reality).
They don't want to play outside. They don't want to play with their toys... I think they are too excited about the possibility of new toys. They don't want to do anything and I'm going insane!
Thoughts? Ideas? What do you do with your kids to keep them from getting bored during the holiday break?



  1. Yikes! What about making them clean the house? Should keep them busy and then you don't have to do it!

  2. Chores always work! LOl

    Making cookies or Christmas treats, gingerbread houses, or something else.

    Can you take them to the snow tomorrow?

    Hmmm, that's all I've got right now. Good luck!

  3. Invite a friend over. But first make them clean their rooms. OH! And they can each pick out 1 or 2 old toys they don't play with anymore, to make room for the new stuff.

    Inviting another kid over always sounds psycho, but they usually entertain each other better. PLUS, that family then "owes" you a playdate...

    My kids and I are doing SOMETHING Christmassy each day. I don't care WHAT it is, we're doing something....

    Cookies, sledding, baking day, art project day etc. BAsically, don't ASK them what they want to do: TELL them what they're GOING to do. Just like in school.

  4. I agree with the chore brigade. Hey, if you're bored, I can help you out. If you can find something constructive to do on your own, fine by me.

  5. I'm totally in the same boat as you... if I come up with any great ideas, I'll send them your way!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Melissa! I found you! On Dawn's blog. I want to invite you to our private blog so send me an e-mail

  8. I am so sorry. Really! The only thing I have is an idea that takes some preparation, but it's an idea, I guess...let me see if I can find it somewhere here on my computer and I can email it to you...(it's a "boredom jar")

  9. hmm...okay, it's SUPPOSED to be a summer thing...but whatever. Here's a link.

  10. If you don't have snow, you could still take them to a nearby park and go ice-blocking.

  11. Everyone else mentioned cookies, but have you ever tried to make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and frosting? You need a stiff frosting, though, like this (but without the mint extract).

  12. Or a "movie night" in the middle of the day with a blanket spread on the floor and hot chocolate and somethin' munchy...have they seen "The Christmas Story" yet?

  13. Anyway, good luck. And if all else fails...well, there's always duct tape.


  15. I wish I knew. My son is sooo bored. We have been snowed in for a good week now except for some very short trips like to the store. He said this morning that he's tired of seeing

  16. My kids were told that Santa has cancelled his plans to drop over tonight because of the way my kids were at each other's throats all day yesterday. My hubby was completely serious. Somewhere they missed the whole "peace on Earth" idea. How 'bout Peace at home? I feel a family discussion coming on - maybe thursday morning - before anything gets unwrapped. Hmmm.

  17. dang, TV was already taken


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