Saturday, December 20, 2008

We accomplished a lot yesterday. We cleaned the house, did a little laundry, dropped off Toys for Tots items, recycled our plastic bottles, went to the bank, fed the ducks, walked around the park, saw "The Tale of Despereaux", ate at a new place called The Slice (and loved it) and then used my plethora of 50% off coupons at JoAnn Fabric. WHEW! Just to highlight a few little things...

Toys for Tots is something we try to do every year. One of the local furniture stores had an advertisement on t.v. saying "Come help us fill our sleigh with toys for kids here in the valley!" So, I, being fairly literal, thought they had some kind of sleigh set up to put the toys in. I got the kids all excited about putting the toys into this sleigh... only to find out it was two cardboard boxes. Kind of anticlimactic, but still good for the kids to remember that this season is about giving.

"The Tale of Despereaux" was cute. Our family was fairly split on how we felt about it. Red and I have both read the book. Now, we didn't expect it to be EXACTLY the same, but they changed it a lot! The overall message in the book is different from that in the movie. It was kind of disappointing for us. But, Baby Girl and Hubby, who haven't read the book, quite liked the movie. Little Bug was not impressed (but, he may have not been feeling well... he woke up this morning at 5:00 with the flu that I had earlier this week... good times). There were parts that seemed a little intense for a movie that was rated G, but other than that, it was good.

As for the 50% off coupons... from now till the 24th JoAnn's is having their "Coupon Commotion" and they sent out an ad with about twelve 50% off coupons for different things. Last time I was there a lady gave me her coupons saying that she wouldn't be using them. Then they stuffed coupons into my bag at the checkout. Then I got the ones in the mail... I had TONS of coupons! I bought a few beads that were already 40% off, but I had enough coupons to get everything else in my bag for 50% off! It was fantastic and made me very, very happy :) Coupons have that affect on me...

And, to top the day off, Little Bug wore his new shoes all day! I know that's not a big thing to most people, but he has a lot of sensory issues. New shoes are a really hard thing for him. It was a struggle to get them on, but once they were there, he did great!

All in all, we had a really fantastic day! How has your weekend been?


  1. We saw Despereaux too. My daughter had mixed feelings about it because she had read the book. The kids were dissapointed that his tail doesn't get cut off in the movie (although they both agreed that if it had been in the movie, the rating would not be able to be G). I loved the movie, but haven't read the book to compare it with. I also felt like some scenes were a bit intense for a G rating, but my 3 year old handled it okay. Overall, we liked it and I'm sure it will go in the DVD collection six months from now!

  2. We took a really quick, really last minute trip to my sister's house and didn't get home until 11. It was fun though and my DD loved playing with her cousin. She was so excited to "go to Caden's house."

    Yay for coupons! That's awesome!

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hmmm . . . I pretty much slept all day. hee hee Glad to hear someone was being productive!

  4. Hooray for Little Bug and his new shoes. I know that is a big thing ; )

    I have heard lots of great things about The Tales of Despereaux. (I haven't read the book)

    Great job on the toys for tots.

  5. We've had a great weekend as weel. We were snowed in for most of it but did get out to see the movie. I haven't read the book either and I loved the movie. Now we'll get the book to read together.

  6. What a day. Busy, but sounded like alot of fun!

  7. Merry Christmas!

    You’ve just been hit with Random Acts Of
    “ Merry Christmas!”
    Love, Carrot Jello

  8. sounds like a great weekend. i hadn't heard of shoes being a challenge for some kids before. that must be hard to deal with at times.

    i'm sitting and watching the rain today (near beach). wondering if you were going to get snow out your way.

  9. Very, VERY snowy, thanks for askin'.


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