Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I've been trying all day to write a Christmas post. At first I thought I could come up with something really deep and profound to share with you. But, it's fairly safe to say neither of those words describes me. Then I wanted to be very spiritual and thoughtful. But that didn't really work out either. My message then progressed to something very silly and a tad on the bizarre side. A little too silly and bizarre if you ask me. And so, instead, you get this:
From our Craziness...
to yours (because, let's face it, if you're reading this blog, you must be a little crazy)
Merry Christmas!
I hope that the true spirit of the season fills your heart and stays with you throughout the coming year!


  1. i LOVE yours! =) what a great pic of all of you.

    i hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. enjoy every minute together.

  2. How'd you know I was crazy??! :-P

    Love the picture.

    Merry Christmas! ;-)

  3. I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!

  4. I love the picture.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, melissa.

  5. Such a beautiful family Melissa!
    Merry Christmas!

  6. I think that is a pretty great solution. :-) Great picture of your family and have I mentioned how darling your daughter is? Merry Christmas!

  7. i love the family picture...also, i've LOVED your play list for christmas. i came here everytime i wanted christmas music!!!

  8. Takes a crazy to know a crazy ;o)

    You came up with the perfect post. Great picture of you beautiful family. Tell hubby thanks for letting you post it.

  9. I think your Christmas post is just right! Such a nice picture of your family! :)

    Hope your Christmas was fun and happy! :)

  10. love the post and the picture! You all look so great in your matchy white shirts!! Hope you had a great Christmas!


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