Monday, October 20, 2008

We Don't Need No Stinkin Roads
I did it! I got all the laundry done on Friday!! Well, as done as laundry can technically be... we were all wearing clothes - a.k.a. potential laundry. But, that's besides the point. Everything in the baskets was washed, dried, folded and PUT AWAY. I'll have to do it all again soon, but it was nice while it lasted!
Saturday we decided to go on a little adventure. This is the road we followed...No, really! We went off-roading on Saturday! We went down washes like this...And up hills like this...We stopped at an area that was used in WWII for training purposes. General Patton wanted to get the soldiers ready to fight in West Africa. He needed an area that was hot, dry and remote. Enter our lovely desert! They built stone bunkers and part of them are still standing...And then we got to this...It was much more imposing in person. In one spot there was a rock that would have taken the bottom of our truck off. Up over the hill was another little gully with really steep sides and there was NO WAY we could get across it. The desert conquered us, but we did have a great time and hope to go out and do it again... after I get through my next pile of laundry.


  1. Looks like an adventurous time!

  2. How fun, and I'm still giggling about "potential laundry". SO TRUE.

  3. So cool! I live in the country but I've never been off roading before.

    Congrats on the laundry! And thanks for the reminder, time to turn mine over!

  4. glad your friday was so successful. i know how good that feels.

    my husband used to go dirt biking out in the so. cal. deserts so we both love the desert. there's something about going places where not many people travel. thanks for the pics.

  5. I haven't been off roading in forever but it is SO fun! Glad you had a good time!

  6. so fun! You've inspired me to go out and be adventurous!

  7. Isn't it wonderful that it's cooling off in the desert finally?!? We are just getting to the point that you can wear jeans and not be melting.... baby steps....

  8. I have never been off-roading. It looks like so much fun. I'm glad you had such a great time.

    Love your comment about the laundry ; )

  9. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Off roading is such fun! I miss being able to do it.

  10. AWESOME! Looks like so much fun! :D

    I LOVE the picture of you and the kids! :)

  11. Wooo hoo! That kind of exploring is my favorite kind! We have to go alone, though. The kids don't really like it.
    I'm glad it was fun for yoU!

  12. what fun adventures...Laundry. DONE?!?! does that EVER happen??? wow.
    and i LOVE the pic of your fam on the wall. awesome lighting.

  13. Looks like a great way to spend a day with the family.

    Woohoo to clean laundry.

  14. Who would have thought laundry could be so adventurous? Glad you made it home safe.

  15. Rocks everywhere. can't do better than that!

    Ok, I made it up, but pretty cool, for reals.


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