Friday, October 17, 2008

A Full Day
Today is going to be full. I wish it was going to be full of life experiences that I will learn from. Or full of new and exciting things. Or full of laughing with friends and family. It would be nice if it was going to be full of sand, surf and sun. But no. That's not what my day is going to be full of.
Today will be full of laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. Not dirty laundry. No. Clean laundry. You see, I've been keeping up with washing and drying the laundry. I've folded and hung up the things that will wrinkle badly.... and then I've tossed the rest back into the baskets to fold another day. Things like towels, underwear, pajamas... things that don't matter if they look rumpled. But now my baskets overfloweth. Apparently we have a lot of items that I don't care if they are wrinkled.
I have been trying all week to fold them. Honestly I have! One day I even took everything out of the baskets and threw them on my bed. I figured that I would HAVE to fold everything before I could go to bed! Great idea, right? Well, it would have been. But, instead of getting folded, they got put BACK into the basket around 11:00 that night. I was going to fold while watching some T.V. the other day, but then I got involved in another project and didn't watch the show OR fold laundry. I was actually hoping that eventually we would just use all the clean laundry and I wouldn't have to fold and put it away at all. But I've been efficient. I've been washing the clothing as it got dirty. What was I thinking?
Who knew that clean laundry could be such a burden? It's taken over my bedroom and I'm putting my foot down today! So, wish me luck as I try to uncover the master bedroom, fold an endless amount of towels and pajamas, and try to find mates for each sock (that sounds kinda creepy, don't you think?).
So, I want you all to go out there and live life to the fullest! Do something new! Laugh with a loved one! Make a new friend! Because one of us should have fun today. And heaven knows it's not going to be me!

P.S. I was going to add pictures, but Blogger said, "NO! Quit wasting time and get to work!" Who knew Blogger could be such a task master?!


  1. Guess who's doing our laundry? My husband. He's a laundry saint.

    Good luck!

  2. Oh that's how my laundry ends up every week. I did it yesterday so the folded stuff is in their baskets but the stuff from last week in on the floor by my bed because I didn't put it away yesterday! Ugh...maybe I should do that today to.

  3. Today is a laundry day for me too. I'm gonna wash our sheets, but first I have to fold all the clothes on our bed so that I can GET to the sheets. Oh, woe is us. At least we know we're not the only ones doing this today.

  4. Just never change clothes. Just kidding. Good luck today, at least it's the last step.....oh....before it all start over again lol

    Have a great day anyway!

  5. Good luck! Set yourself a timer. Laundry folding RIGHT RIGHT out of the dryer. Then do something fun til the buzzer goes off again.

  6. I still have the washing to do. Lets not even talk about the folding and putting away.

  7. Laundry just plain gets on my nerves. You just get everything all done up and turn around and there it is again all dirty and needing attention. Oy, the cycle never ends. Good luck!!

  8. My hampers overfloweth. I SHOULD have been doing laundry all day, but I only did one load. Oops.

  9. I will go out and do as you suggest--after I finish my laundry this morning ; )

  10. Hee hee...I do the bed thing all the time!

    What works for me is cutting myself off from TV and only letting myself watch if I'm folding. =)

  11. This was an inspired post. Do you know why? I had just gotten pumpkin cake batter on my cute Halloween dish towel and lamented having to wash it. When not even five minutes later, I opened an unexpected and appreciated package and found an even cuter one from you. The moral of the story? Just have friends send you new ones!!!

  12. I'm shooting a new movie in my house this week.

    It's called "The Laundry Monster That Ate The Sofa."

    It's based on a true story.

  13. You caused a war to break out at my house yesterday, Melissa.

    It was me versus two sock hungry daughters hell bent on stealing my cute ghosty and bumblebee socks for themselves. I had to hide the socks in my bra because I knew they wouldn't want them if the socks were co-mingling with my breastage sweat. I know. Disgusting. But you gotta do what you gotta do in the interest of optimum sock security.

  14. I also loved the googly eyed stickers on the package. :)


  15. I can sooo relate to the laundry thing except I dump it out on the couch and the fam just sits on it

  16. i use the same strategy... put whatever on my bed thinking i'll need to deal with it before i go to bed. and then bed time comes and whatever it was gets put back into the basket or moved over to a lounge chair i have in my bedroom.

    hope you got it all done today so your future days can be filled with laughter and learning =D


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