Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sometimes I do things. Dumb things. My latest and greatest dumb thing? I decided to try out the whole NaNoWriMo thing. Unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo? So am I! Which is why it wasn't very smart of me to sign up for it.
It stands for National Novel Writing Month. There. Everything should be clear as mud to you now. I know it is for me...
Here are the basics: Starting November 1st I will embark on a quest to write a novel that will have 50,000 words. I will have those 50,000 typed onto my lovely computer before the end of November. That's FIFTY THOUSAND words! You'd think this wouldn't be such a daunting task, but here's the real issue here - I have no idea what I'm doing or what to write about. I started to jot a few ideas down, but all of them are fairly lame... no, they're really lame! And I'm fairly certain that most of you have noticed that my grammar is not stellar.
BUT! I'm going to try. Don't be surprised if I'm not in blog land much for the next 6 weeks... my parents come this weekend for a week long visit and then I start writing! If I do make it to your blog and my comments are completely incoherent, I beg your forgiveness. I'm not so good at trying new things and it tends to addle my brain... wish me luck!


  1. Okay Mel, you totally are making me giggle with this! I didn't have a clue what I was doing last year and it turned out fab. The writing was awful, but it was 50,000 words of awful, which was HUGE!

    It's so cool to be able to say you wrote a book.

    So long as no one wants to read it. =P

    Email me your profile link so I can add you to my buddies list, okay? We'll be insane together!

  2. i wouldn't necessarily call it dumb - crazy, yes =)

    will you be writing this novel as posts on your blog? or do you just write in a word processing program and then sumbit it?

    hope you have a good visit with your parents.

  3. Anonymous12:05 AM

    You brave brave girl. There's no way I could ever participate in that. I know you'll do great!

  4. Good luck!! Trying is the only way to get ANYthing done!!

  5. Good for you--hope we all get to read bits and pieces.

  6. i wish you luck...and lots of words flowing through your brain.:)

  7. Very Very brave woman!! That's an incredibly ambitious undertaking!!

  8. Ok, um. Why? Just to say you've done it? Hey, maybe you'll get a nobel prize for writing the next great american novel. Who knows? Inspiration could hit any minute.

  9. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Go us! I joined the other day.

  10. It's cool that you are going for it and getting out of your comfort zone a bit. I know you have lots to say I hope we get to read bits of it here and there.

  11. W00t! Best of luck!!
    And what Tonya said ;)

  12. Luck, luck, luck, luck!!! You can do it!!!

  13. you are indeed very brave my dear friend, I wish you luck

  14. You go girl, w00t w00t! :)

  15. What a great goal!!! I wish you much luck!

  16. Thanks for letting me know about this. Carson would love this. we've been looking for an avenue for his writing skills as he wrote a 40+ page book in 3rd grade and he's on is 60th page right now writing a new one. I just don't know where to take his writing -- publishing company?? Do you have any advice? This would be fun to do in the mean time. Thanks.


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