Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Force is With Her
First of all, I'm so excited about everything I have accomplished this week! I have a huge pile in my hallway of things I'm hoping to sell at the neighborhood yard sale in a few weeks! I also have a big pile of empty boxes and Rubbermaid containers. It feels so good to get this stuff ready to leave my home. I'm not done dejunking, not by a long shot, which means I'm not quite back into the blogging world, but I had to share this story!
Red had a friend stay the night last night. Both of his parents are nurses and had to work the night shift. So, we had another contributor to the general chaos in our home. He's a good kid and we don't mind helping out. They were really good about going to bed on time and getting up early. Maybe a little too early, but they didn't come in and wake me up, so it's all good!
The boys got ready for school and had half an hour till they had to leave. They asked if they could play with the light sabers and I said sure... so off they went smacking and crashing into each other. Now, Red isn't supposed to use his right arm (the broken one) very much. We went to the doctor yesterday and he said that things are healing well, but that he needs to be very careful for another week or two. He explained to Red that the muscles in his arm and hand are connected to the bone. So, if he uses the muscles, it pulls on the bone and could pull the bone out of place. Which would then mean surgery. This is something we don't want...
So, Red was light saber fighting with his left hand and his friend was really taking advantage of the situation. He had Red backed into a corner and Baby Girl came running into the room...
Baby Girl: Can I play with you guys?
Friend: Um... I don't know...
Red (tired of getting beat up and knowing what would happen...): YOU BET! Let me get you a light saber! (We have plenty of light sabers around the house...)
Now, you need to know that Red's friend is 10. Baby Girl will be 5 tomorrow. This kid outweighs her by 40-50 pounds. But Baby Girl... well, she's fearless! As soon as she had her weapon in hand she attacked. And she held her own. Pretty soon I could hear the friend saying, "Hey, not so hard! Hey!! That's not fair! HEY!!! STOP!!!!!"
I walked into the room to see HIM backed into a corner and Baby Girl striking blow after blow and cackling like crazy! She was relentless and Red was throwing his saber into the fray every once in awhile, but the bulk of the fighting was between the friend and my girl. Eventually, the friend got tired of this tiny creature beating him up and called a time out. Then he ran out of the room hoping to escape for a moment. No such luck. She chased him "Mwahahaha"-ing all the way. She doesn't believe in time out. Especially when she has the upper hand!
Finally the time came for the boys to go to school. Red grinned and said, "She's pretty good, huh?" Baby Girl grinned. The friend? Well, he's a good sport. He grinned too and said, "Yeah, she's good. I guess that was fun."
I probably wasn't the best hostess by letting my teeny little girl thrash on our guest. Perhaps I should have stopped her..... nah! It never hurts to have a victory over a bigger opponent or to have a little humility thrust upon you, right?


  1. That's awesome! Way to go baby girl! In a world full of bullies it's nice to know she's got the guts to fight, eh?

    Congrats on all that you're getting done - I've missed you!

  2. That's awesome! It's good to know she can hold her own! :)

    Yay for all the work you've done!

  3. It sounds like your blog break was a rousing success!

  4. so glad you're break has been so productive and you're feeling so good about all that has been accomplished.

    you go baby girl! i don't think there's enough parents can do to build up self-esteem in young girls. i'm glad baby girl already has a healthy dose of it.

  5. She does have two older brothers, so she better be able to hold her own! :)

  6. I knew you couldn't stay away from blogland for long.

    Can you imagine if I had a daughter after all these boys. She'd be so tough. It's probably a good thing we don't try for that girl.

  7. That is great--I bet Baby Girl had a big smile on her face the whole time ; )

  8. True.

    It never hurts. Especially if you're only 5. We need all the victories we can get, don't we?!!

    That's a great story. ;-)

  9. Hey, at least he wasn't beating up on her. It's cute for her to smack the shit out of him but a 10 year old reciprocating? He'd have gotten in trouble!!

    Good kid.

  10. I have just one word for Baby Girl's victory...AWESOME! :D


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