Friday, October 03, 2008

Dear Wonderful Awesome Blog Friends,
I just thought I'd let you know that I'm taking a blogging break for a week or so. No reading, no writing. As I look around my home I feel completely overwhelmed by the messes that I see. I'm tired of it. I did a dejunking during the summer, but it seems to have all found it's way back into my home. So, I'm trying again. And I'm in the mood to be brutal. I'm tired of all the crap here in my home. Every time I see a pile of clutter I can feel how it affects me physically, mentally and emotionally. I don't need this in my life. I have a lot of wonderful things to focus on, and the clutter isn't one of them. So, for the next week or two, I am not going to turn my computer on till the evening. I'll check my email and perhaps write a little on Facebook, but I'm afraid that will be it. I've got to make priorities and I'm starting today!
See ya on the flip side!


  1. Great! Now that I make it out of my 'FUNK' and get out to start reading people's blogs again, you're taking a freakin' break!!

    Just kidding.

    I totally understand. Really, I do. That's why I get so behind reading blogs - trying to make balance in my life and blog in moderation.

    Good luck, girl. I hope you find the balance.

    I hate clutter. Of any type.

    Drive me crazy.


    (And eagerly looking forward to your return - which, hopefully coincides NOT with one of my weird funks....)

  2. Good for you! You'll be hugely missed, but we want good things for you and that means life first, blogging second!

  3. You have to do what's right for you. We'll totally miss you, though.

  4. Good luck. I'll miss your posts, but I "get" it. I probably need to dejunkify also. I'm guessing it would help my attitude and outlook on MANY things.

  5. I completely understand. We'll be here when you get back!

  6. Oh my friend, we are kindred spirits. It took me 5 hours to clean three rooms from top to bottom today, but I did it. I can always tell how I am mentally from the state of my house, lol.

  7. have fun cleaning....i'm sure you'll feel much better when you are done! i do love a clean house too.

  8. Enjoy your blogging break.

    When I get home I'm going to try and limit my computer time.

  9. hope your break is productive and enjoyable. i'll miss you, so hurry back.

  10. Good luck! I hope you get lots done! I hope you'll still be playing Wordscraper??

  11. I know the feeling. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't stand to go in Carson's room for a while. Then I realized it was because it was cluttered and disorganized. I feel much better now that I cleaned it up. Drop me a line if you need any pointers!

  12. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Good luck!

  13. Take your time and good luck! (ButI have a feeling you'll be back sooner than you think.)

  14. Good luck my friend. I need a good dose of decluttering around here myself. As always, we'll be here when you get back. Peace out!

  15. I'm shirking my work right now. Yeah, I'm NOT putting my shoulders to the wheel or moving on, moving on.

    Maybe tomorrow I'll rekindle that my sense of decluttering.

  16. I had to take a HUGE blogging break as Lauren's wedding approached. It was hard, but so necessary! I'll enjoy catching up with you when you're back! Happy dejunking! :)

  17. Anonymous4:28 PM

    You'll feel so much better once that's all done!


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