Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am not extraordinary. Not in any way, shape or form. I don't like to stand out from my neighbors. I'm more of a "blender". I live my life the way I see fit, but it is nothing to marvel at.
But now, well, now it's time to take a stand. It's still me. Still your Average Jane, but I find myself needing to speak up just a bit. I'm still going to keep it simple. Nothing fancy. No deep thoughts. No big words.
Now, before I get started, I'm going to give a warning: I can and will delete comments. I am going to try and express my feelings in a thoughtful and honest way. But I will hopefully not be hurtful. I encourage you to express your opinions. But, this is a "hot button" topic and I will not tolerate any sort of hateful thoughts. So, everyone, please be on your best behavior or I will put you in the time out corner with the kid who picks his nose... got it? Okay... here we go.
As a citizen of the United States of America, I have the opportunity to vote this fall. As a Californian, I have the opportunity to vote on a State Constitutional amendment - Proposition 8. Want to read about it? This is a Wikipedia article... it presents both sides fairly well. The basic outline of Prop 8 is this: there will be an amendment added to the Californian Constitution that will make marriage legal only between a man and a woman.
Here's what I believe...
... I believe in marriage between a man and a woman. I believe this is sacred. Sacred as in divine. As in set apart by God. And so, I will be voting yes on Prop 8 this fall.
And that's it. I told you this would be simple. If you would like to learn more about my position, you can visit this site. If you disagree with me, that's fine! Please express your opinion, but don't be obnoxious or nasty. If you agree with me, that's fine! Please express your opinion, but don't be obnoxious or nasty. Now... talk amongst yourselves...nicely!


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve . . .

    If you hadn't previously given much thought to the fact that the separating of the wheat and tares might prove painful then all the tumult, angst and ire surrounding the issue of same-gender marriage may have caught you by surprise.

    In the scriptures the Savior warns us in Luke 12:51-53:

    51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

    52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.

    53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    The Sifting is, and will continue to be, painful and challenging. This lifetime is when we choose whom we will follow."

    With permission, I borrowed the above from someone else's blog, who, like you, is better than I in using words to express themselves. It fits how I feel....

    If I lived in California I would be voting YES, the same as you, for the same reasons. Period!

  2. If I lived in California, I would be voting yes, too, for the same reasons.

  3. I think you put it wonderfully!

  4. Ultimately, I would be voting yes on this proposition, if I lived in California. But, I don't take it lightly or easily. I have many gay colleagues and friends, and it hurts me to see them so hurt and pained.

  5. Good for you Melissa for voicing you opinion. I would also vote yes.

  6. You Go Girl! I would be voting YES!! as well if I lived there. Isn't the democratic process great? Have an opinion? Well, VOTE!

  7. I don't live in California, but I would probably vote no. Each is entitled to their own opinion and views, which is why we should treasure our country rather than rip apart every fault it has. I get sick of the political bashing we do to our own politicians...

    Anyway! It'll be interesting to see how that proposition turns out, eh?

  8. Well said. We did live in California and the last time this came up we voted the same way.

  9. Proud of you for standing up for your beliefs when called upon to do so. ;-)

    (I would be a Yes vote, too, if we were there.)

  10. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I agree with your stance.

  11. Well said! We really got into some heated arguments with family and friends while we were there in CA about Prop 8. We have Prop 102 and will be voting yes here in AZ too.

    I consider it the highest compliment that you like my playlist... I often listen to yours too! I'm always tempted to stop at my aunt's house when we make our Bay Area run (she lives 5 minutes from the "215/210/33"). I passed a brand new Winco on I-10 this time around that wasn't there before... it's also with a brand new 24 Hour Fitness... I thought of your Winco stories when I saw it!

  12. Very well said! If I were in CA, I would definitely be voting with you!

  13. I agree with you completely. I would be voting yes on Proposition 8 if I lived in California!

    In Arizona, where I live, we are voting on a similar amendment to the Arizona State Constitution. It is Proposition 102, and if it passes it will clearly define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. I STRONGLY support this proposition! I have it on the sidebar of my blog, and there is a sign in my yard showing my support. Yesterday I had to replace that sign because someone stole it!

    I have friends who are gay. I disagree with their lifestyle, but I never say anything because I love them. To me, that is tolerance...loving and accepting another person regardless of differences. But redefining marriage is VERY different. It is not TOLERANCE. It is CONDONING a practice which is clearly in violation of God's laws.

    We can love and accept the same time, we can protect marriage as the sacred union between a man and a woman, as God set it up in the beginning when He created Adam and Eve.

  14. I agree that marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't think it should be classified as the same thing for 2 men or 2 women to live together. I realize there needs to be rights for all people. They are American citizens and deserve to have freedom and rights. But we also get to vote to keep it sacred.

  15. I couldn't agree more with you Melissa. I too would be voting yes on that if I were in CA for the very same reasons. I do know some wonderful people that are gay and I do care for them but I do not agree with their lifestyle.

  16. I've been following both sides of this... and personally, I would be voting yes. But I don't live there so my vote won't count. ANYWAY - I came upon another blog and they had the following link: which shows that France had done a study and says that they oppose SSM.


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