Saturday, September 06, 2008

Ultimate Super Fantastic
A Bad Mail Day = lots of bills, statement from your bank informing you of how little money you have at their establishment, and junk mail

A Not So Bad Mail Day = one or two bills, advertisements or coupons for a sale you might like, and junk mail

A Fair Mail Day = one bill, really good ads or coupons for a sale you would like, and junk mail

A Good Mail Day = no bills, awesome ads or coupons for a sale you MUST go to, a letter from a friend or family member, and junk mail

A Great Mail Day = no bills, 50% off coupons for your favorite store in the world, a package from a friend or family member, and junk mail

The Ultimate Super Fantastic Mail Day = Today

Today in the mail came an ad for Kohl's (not pictured) with some sales that I am REALLY excited to go check out. There was also the WinCo ad... you see, I love WinCo. Always have, always will. But we haven't had one down here... till now! It opens on Monday and the opening day sales? INCREDIBLE!! WOOHOO!! The huge package on the bottom is from my mom and sister and was FULL of all kinds of wonderfulness for the kids! Thanks again Mom and K! The package on top is some stuff I ordered from Oriental Trading for preschool with Baby Girl. Then, we have the letter.

The white letter with the Mickey sticker on it contains 4 free passes to Disneyland! My cousin and his family had these extra passes (he gets them from work) and they offered them to anyone in the family. We're not too far from Disneyland, so I told them if no one else wanted them, we would love them! They were more than happy to give them to us! HURRAH!! Thanks again T&T :) We'll send lots of pictures!!

What else was in the mail today? Junk mail. But only one letter. You know, Benjamin Franklin once said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." I think it would be safe to add junk mail to that list...


  1. That is some AWEsome mail!! Wish I could use free Disney tickets... Have a blast!

  2. Such a cute post ; )

    Passes to Disneyland--WOW!!!! That is so exciting. Can't wait until you go and you tell us all about it.

    I have never heard of WinCo. But, I'm excited for you.

    I used to love Oriental Trading Company--haven't seen one of their catalogues for years.

  3. Wow, passes to Disneyland? My daughter would be in HEAVEN. MUCH better than the stack of bills we receive every day. HURRAY!

  4. Wow! That is a ROCKIN' mail day! I don't think I've ever had one quite that good. But a close second would be that economic stimulus check we got. That was pretty cool. But wait. Now that I think about it, I think it was direct deposit. Aw, shucks! It was. Would you please send me something cool? I'm so pathetic when it comes to my mail.

  5. Wow! That is a ROCKIN' mail day! I don't think I've ever had one quite that good. But a close second would be that economic stimulus check we got. That was pretty cool. But wait. Now that I think about it, I think it was direct deposit. Aw, shucks! It was. Would you please send me something cool? I'm so pathetic when it comes to my mail.

  6. Wow! Way awesome mail day!

    Happy dancing with ya!

  7. Good mail days are awesome. Too cool about Disneyland.

  8. How awesome!! I love getting packages in the mail and a package AND a letter with D-Land tickets--way cool!

  9. I've been waiting for my Disneyland tickets to come in the mail...but I've yet to pay for them. Oops. I vote for getting them for free! Hooray for you guys!!!

  10. Yippee for good mail!! Boo and hiss to bad mail!!

  11. SCORE! It's days like this, as rare as they are, that keep us checking the mailbox day after day.

    Remember, Junk mail make the best homemade paper. A silver lining.

  12. What a great mail day.
    Melissa, we're with you on the love affair with Winco. We had no Winco when we lived in Arizona. (Winco stands for Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Oregon). So when we moved here, to Cali, and we saw a Winco, I was cheering outloud! The first time I walked into the Winco here, I seriously almost cried, I was so happy. Of course I love the amazing prices. But it was also a naustalgic thing- it took us back to do our Moscow newlywed days. And you know exactly what I'm talking about. So, I'm very happy for you to be getting a Winco- it's almost as good as Disneyland passes. ;)

  13. why is it that we get junk mail EVERY stinkin' day? think of how many trees had to give up their life for stuff we just throw in the trash. sad =(

    disneyland! woo-hoo! when are you going? how nice to be given those passes. and what kind of store is winco? never heard of them. we obviously don't have them here.

  14. Yes, that is a GREAT mail day! I love WinCo!

  15. Congratulations!! That's fabulous!

    WinCo...oh how I miss that place!

  16. JACKPOT!
    It might be worth buying a lottery ticket to day or something.

  17. Anonymous3:11 PM

    That is definitely a GREAT mail day! And tickets to DL? Woo hoo!

  18. Oh man, that IS a good mail day!

    I consider it a good mail day when there's only one item of junk mail, as opposed to 30 items.

    Hate junk mail.

    Hate it.

    (Congrats on all the loot! And I hope the sale is awesome to you.) ;-)


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