Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Winco WonderlandSome of you didn't know what a WinCo was when I blogged about it the other day. WinCo is a grocery store chain. And, it is my favorite place to shop! Let me give you a few examples to illustrate why....
I went to WalMart the other day and walked out with 5 bags. The cost of those 5 bags? $87
Hubby went to Costco and walked out with half of his cart filled. The cost of half a cart? $90
I went to WinCo yesterday and filled the bottom rack of the cart. Filled the main basket till I could get nothing else in and then sat a few things around Baby Girl in her seat. The cost of a cart that was over flowing? $64.50
Some of the sales were opening day sales, but some were just their normal sales. I got boneless skinless chicken breasts for $1.48 a pound. Grapes for $.77 a pound. A 10 lb. bag of potatoes was $.68. They have a huge bulk foods section where I love to get all my spices. And, to top it all off, they carry my favorite brand of root beer in the whole world: Dad's! I love that stuff!
But, I have to say, yesterday was a bit harrowing. The store opened up at 7:00, but Red doesn't leave for school till 8:00. So, we took off after he left. Got there around 8:15 and had to stand in a short line to get into the store. It reminded me of shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. Baby Girl and I grabbed all of our amazing bargains, then we went and got in line to check out. There were only 4 people in front of me, so I felt pretty good about that. After a few minutes I turned around to see how big the line was behind me... holy cow. It went all the way down the center isle to the back of the store and then split in two... one arm headed into the bulk section and the other into the meat! It was insane! We got checked out and went out to find our car. I glanced over to see if there was still a line to get in the store... wowsers! It was HUGE! It went all the way down the store and wrapped around the corner of the building!! I guess I wasn't the only one who was excited about the opening. I was glad we got there when we did. It took us just over 2 hours to get our shopping done, but it was worth it!
Where is your favorite place to shop? Do you go to different stores for different items? Or do you go to one place and get it all done?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my gosh! There are several things about SoCal that make me jealous, this being one of them!! Happy grocery-getting to you!!

  3. Wo. Break me off a piece of that Winco!

  4. I am so jealous. There is a Winco in Twin Falls Idaho where my parents live and every time we visit, we stock up on some stuff. I wish they had them here in Utah!

  5. I just learned about WinCo's spices about 8 months ago! Man, I could have been saving A TON of money if only I had known sooner.


    See, they can't have them in Utah... it doesn't fit in the name. :)

  6. I miss WinCo! We did most of our shopping there when we lived in Oregon. I mostly get everything at one store, but sometimes pop into the health food store for special stuff.

  7. I won't even tell you what I pay for chicken breasts in Canada--it is very sad. My kids can't believe it when they're talking about their $20 turkeys at Thanksgiving and we have to almost mortgage the house to pay for ours ; ((((

    Good job getting there before the line was too long.

  8. thanks for answering my winco question. i had no idea what kind of store it was. and it sound like you got there at the perfect time.

    it depends on what i'm buying on what my favorite store is. i usually don't buy everything in one place.

  9. I like WinCo but ours is all the way across town and they don't have ads ;(

    I've compared prices on quite a few of the things that I normally buy and the prices there are lower, but not always significantly so for me to go all the way across town! Although I do on occasion, especially if I have other errands on that side of town and want to stock up on things.

    I do most of my shopping at Voldemart, but I've also learned to shop sales and use coupons at Albertsons and Walgreens, so that has helped my grocery budget a lot.

  10. We have WinCo around here but I've never really gotten into it. I know that lots of people swear by it but it's just not my bag baby. I really don't have the time to shop all over so we usually go to one place and do use some coupons. Maybe I should give it another go with prices the way they are these days.

  11. I have never before heard of the wonders of Winco. I guess that's one more thing to be jealous of your living in California.

  12. Melissa, I added your blog link to my main page. Thank you for the inspiration to get this all going.

    We are lucky enough to have a WinCo here too! WOO HOO. I try to go at midnight to beat the crowds. Paula

  13. I was hoping they would have one here, but alas! They do not. No WinCo goodness for me and mine!

  14. Looks like the closest one is an hour away. I've never been... I usually just shop at one place.

  15. The 99 Cents Only store. I can fill my basket with Sara Lee bread, Mal-O-Meal cereal, fresh produce, Yoplait yogurt, and name brand cleaning stuff for CHEAP!

    I usually stumble out of there with a heaping basket of goods for less than 50 bucks.

  16. Wow! Congratulations on your bargains, and on getting in and out in fantastic time (compared to all the people who were wrapped around the building...).

    I'm kindof an ecclectic shopper these days - a little here, a little there. But I do try to consolidate as much as I can at each store.

  17. I have promised Costco my next child (not that there is going to be a next child.) We spend so much $$$ at Costco and Sam's, but we need food, and lots of it, and thats only going to get worse as these boys get bigger and bigger. I'd love to shop a places like Trader Joe's, but they don't do bulk. We need bulk! I know nothing about WinCo. I go check it out - as long as that line is gone.


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