Friday, September 05, 2008

More Random Crap
No, this won't be another post about swearing. It's random crap from my life! Aren't you excited? I have too many things bouncing around in my head right now to make just one post, and I don't want to do multiple posts... we go!

  • The elementary school that Red goes to claims to be a very forward thinking school. They want to teach the kids to be "world citizens". Which, you know, is great. But, in a way they seem a tad hypocritical. They spout off ideas of saving the planet and then send home enough random papers to destroy an entire rain forest...
  • Speaking of Red... he's already having problems with friends at school. I'm so flustered right now. I just don't know what to do for him.
  • Speaking of flustered... I've been asked to make phone calls for a political campaign. For some reason, this makes me INSANELY nervous! I really thought I was going to be sick to my stomach on the first day. Does anyone want to come finish the calls for me? No? Okay... well, I'm hoping to finish it all up today... pray that I don't make a mess on the carpet.
  • Speaking of messes... yesterday, I didn't do much. Baby Girl and I are the only ones home during the day. You'd think that the house would stay fairly clean, right? Nope. Somehow Baby Girl managed to make several monstrous messes right under my nose.
  • Speaking of Baby Girl... she and I are doing preschool here at home. We work on reading and letters, then we do an art project, then we work on numbers. Our first unit has been the ocean and we're both really enjoying that. We're hoping to take a trip to the ocean next week. For academic purposes, of course!
  • Speaking of trips... my cousin is getting married next week and I can't go. You have no idea how incredibly sad this makes me. We were really close - especially in college. Why does money always have to be a factor in such things? Can't we just do what we want, whenever we want?
  • Speaking of money... why would anyone waste money making bad craft projects? I have no idea, but there is a new blog highlighting some pretty weird crafts... It's called "Glitter Gone Bad" - it's good for a chuckle or two!

And that's it for random crap today. Not very funny or entertaining, but I feel better getting all the randomness out of my head!


  1. Oh how my heart aches for Red!! Keaton has had some struggles with that too. The beginning of each school year seems to be the worst, and then things kinda mellow out. I think all the kids are jockeying for position in their little social world, and they try to kick people off their little ladder so that they can climb higher. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's my funny way of trying to understand it all.

  2. Have my own issues with "world citizen" projects, only because they tend to stress less the importance of your community and your own country!

    I actually loved your post today. It followed its own pattern, each bullet point leading into the next. Brilliant! It will be copied, you watch

    Have a great day!

  3. Ah, it's always nice to read about the frustrations of another mother and woman. We're all so similar!

  4. Always entertaining.

    Sorry to hear about Red--hope things get better for him.

    Great job on doing preschool with Baby Girl.

  5. Sorry for all the random crap, hun, those are such rough times. ~hugs~

  6. Sorry about Red. I hope you can find a solution.

    Good luck with preschool!

  7. Ahh... political "phone calls"... I had to do that and more when the big issue was "Prop 22" in CA...and after all that work Prop 22 is just a joke (which is the subject of a separate blog post all together and just thinking about it makes my blood boil), so just be glad you don't have to call the good citizens of Berkeley or Santa Cruz. We had to knock doors (I say "had" to because I REALLY didn't want to do it and felt pressured by people who will go un-named) and I'm pretty sure Eric and I knocked the door of a gay couple.... if looks could kill, we would have been dead on the spot. I had a new appreciation for the elders that have to knock doors all day and get nothing but slammed doors in their faces! At least the worst that can happen to you over the phone is people will hang up. Good luck, you can do it!!!

  8. Yes, I kinda figured it was "prop 8"... funny thing is that when we passed prop 22 they promised us this would solve the issue forever... and it would never re-surface. Of course, I don't think they anticipated corrupt judges who don't know where the lines are drawn as far as their own political power goes... wait, judges aren't supposed to have political power, are they? Hmmmm.... glad you are finished. Next time, just say "no"! (kidding... well, sort of....)

  9. Oh, thank you, THANK YOU for that link! I've been looking for something like that for a long time...THANK YOU!

  10. Let Red carry a really big stick to school. When I was a kid, that solved most of my problems. People tend not to harass you when you have a really, REALLY big stick and they don't.

  11. Poor Red... Hope his school experience improves. :(

    And I hate the paperwork from school! I particularly loved one paper asking for us to be more environmentally conscious and not waste paper. I KID YOU NOT.

  12. That link is hilarious! And OH that creepy monkey!!

  13. atleast your random crap is connected in some way. i just have crap - random, connected, or otherwise =)

    you should say something to the school about all the needless paper they use. maybe you could come up with a better solution. it's little things like this that changes the world (or the school) =D

  14. I've got a stock pile of things that could go on that website

  15. Very good random stuff if you ask me.

    I'm with you on the money thing. I wish it weren't an issue and we could do what we want when we want. Let me know if you figure that out k?

  16. We've been heavily involved with prop 8 over here too. I've been thinking about you, and wondering about your involvement.

    Poor Red, and poor Mama. That's gotta be so hard.


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