Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm going to try to create a witch's kitchen for Halloween this year. I got the idea from a fellow blogger, PC, who got the idea from another blog, AranaMureta. And so, I'm trying to come up with things to fill my jars... I think we're going to go with moon stones (clear rocks you find in the floral section painted with glow in the dark paint), dragon scales (large sequins), snake oil (tinted water with plastic snakes floating in it) and a few other things... but I have lots of jars... and not enough creative juices flowing at the moment. Maybe I should put a bottle of creative juices in there? Hmm...
I guess my real problem isn't coming up with "ingredients". I'm struggling with how to make the "ingredients" look real. I thought about doing slugs... but, erm, short of putting actual slugs in the jar (EWWW!! GROSS!!), I couldn't think of a crafty substitute that wouldn't eventually mold or break down.
And so, I turn to you, my bloggernauts - what ingredients would you include in a witches kitchen and what items would you use to make it look realistic? All comments and suggestions will be appreciated!


  1. a brain... if you can find (and typically around halloween, you can) a jello-mold. But make it out of ... you know, not straight jello but it has cool-whip or something in it so it's opaque.

    fingers - can be made out of cookies that have been tinted green and have almonds for nails.


    eyeballs - grapes.

    I'll have to think more on this.

  2. oh gee whizz, this should be easy for me. I'll try to dream something tonight

  3. Creepy Halloween molds - there's one of a human heart, for example.

    I like those hot dog finger things, with the sliced almond fingernails.

    I also like the punch with the hand-shaped ice - I saw that in Family Fun magazine. You turn latex gloves inside out, fill them with different colors of Kool-Aid, freeze them and then float them in a clear or light-colored punch.

    Halloween will be taking a backseat to moving this year. Again. We somehow always manage to screw up Halloween by moving into a new place.

  4. Kitty litter cake

    I know you wanted realistic-looking kitchen ingredients. Sorry. I'm just hungry and keep finding the food.

  5. i wish i could help. i've never done anything like this. but it sounds fun and your ideas ae great. and there's been some good ideas given. you'll have to take pictures to show us all.

    and if i think of anything, i'll let you know.

  6. For me, I find it easier to just dig around for what I have on hand, and then make something out of that, if that makes any sense. For example...um...what do I have on hand, anyway? I still haven't given this a whole lot of thought--my mind has been on...er...other Halloweenie things...but I promise that I'll share whatever I come up with.

  7. I had never heard of this before. You are so clever that I'm sure you will come up with something awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    Could gummy worms painted brown be your slugs?

  8. Anonymous10:55 PM

    How about a jar of those round chocolates that look like eyes? hee hee

  9. WOO HOO! I am too excited you are doing this. I am working on my kitchen this week to. PK

  10. Ooo! What a fun mom you are!
    Your ideas sound like so much fun. I'm completely brain dead right now, but I'll keep a look out!

  11. You are so creative--love it. Can't wait to see all the pictures of what you come up with. I bet your kids will love it all.

  12. Easy. Label an empty bottle "Invisibility Serum" Think smarter, not harder.

    Actuay, a cabbage in food colored water makes a great brain, and a fennel bulb makes a good heart. I have corn starch in a bottle labeled "powdered houndstooth" and prune juice is "bat blood." You can do this!


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