Saturday, September 20, 2008

I've not been around much this week and I keep trying to figure out why. Why does my brain seem to have shut down when it comes to blogging? Why haven't I posted? Why haven't I read as much? Why did I buy that huge box of donuts yesterday? Why? Why? Why?
As I've pondered this, I think I've come up with a reason. Well, not for the donuts... I'm still not sure why I buy random junk food that I know is so bad for me... no, I'm talking about the blogging.
This time of year puts me in a funk. It's autumn somewhere, but not here. Hubby and I grew up in Idaho and our last place of residence before here was Eastern Oregon. The fall weather in both of those places is wonderful! In Oregon we had two maple trees and their leaves changed to yellows and reds. The apricot trees: yellowish orange. We pressed apple cider with friends. We harvested our garden. I canned peaches, tomatoes, green beans and applesauce. We opened windows at night and in the morning because of the cooler temps.
Now, technically, we are getting cooler temps here too. It's only going to be 101 today and 99 tomorrow. Which doesn't sound like much to most people, but it was 113 just a few weeks ago. So we'll take the 99... but it's just not the same.
We just don't get fall here - not the fall I know and love. The leaves, on some of the trees will eventually turn brown and fall off in a matter of days. But that won't happen till "winter" (you know, when we'll get all the way down to 70). We know of a place where we can go press cider, but it won't be with a big group of friends and it's EXPENSIVE! We're renting, so we don't have a garden. And even though we live in an area with lots of amazing produce, it's not the type of stuff you can really bottle up and store for later (citrus, table grapes, peppers...). Besides, it's too hot to grow anything here in the summer. The farmers harvest in the winter and spring. But there's nothing harvested in the fall.
And so, I guess, in a way.... I'm sulking. I'm throwing a teeny tiny tantrum as I listen to my A/C whir away. I miss fall. I miss the colors and the feeling of harvest. And the smell... oh how I miss the smell! Have you ever noticed the smell of a autumn day? And while I don't miss the bitter cold of winter, I do miss the crisp air of fall. Air that makes your lungs twinge just the tiniest bit when you take a deep breath.
Maybe this is the reason I bought the donuts too... perhaps I'm using it as a comfort food? I'll use that as my excuse...sigh. I'll be done pouting soon. Forgive me for wallowing. I know it's stupid. There are so many problems in this world that should occupy my thoughts and time, but I'm stuck on the weather patterns of Southern California. Summer is technically over in just a few days. I'll figure out a way to get my fall fix and then hopefully things can get back to normal... of course, normal is a relative term around here....


  1. AMEN, Sister... AMEN!!! I've now weathered my fourth Phoenix summer and it does get better, I promise. When it starts getting down about 70 at night, you think, wow... it's really cool outside! And when I want a "soup" fix, I go to Mimi's Cafe (where they keep it very cold inside) and order Corn Chowder! It's taken me four summers to get to the point that listening to the A/C run at 7:00 a.m. doesn't make me mad!

  2. I think almost everybody is in some sort of funk right now. Whether it's weather-induced, post-partum, or just because. As long as you recognize it, allow a little bit of a wallow, and then start doing what you need to do to get out of it. Even if it requires a donut. ;-)

  3. i can see why you'd miss all there is about the fall season. it must be hard. i used to live in southern california and didn't know any better. now that i get to enjoy each and every season, i wouldn't want to go back (except for the beach).

    are you anywhere the mountains where you could go for the day and soak in the greenery and maybe a bit of feeling the fall?

    just remember, when the rest of the country is knee deep in snow and has to worry about the ice (i hate the ice), you'll have milder days and probably enjoying the sun.

  4. Sweetie,

    I would be feeling the exact same way because I LOVE my seasons. So, I won't tell you how it was a glorious 60 degrees out this morning. Or how the leaves on our aspen are changing. Just let me live vicariously for us both!

  5. I hear ya, I love fall and would miss it terribly.

    Hope you can enjoy something fallish.... maybe change your desktop background to leaves. :)

  6. If it's any consolation, the leaves here aren't changing yet...And that makes me happy because when they do we will start our annual bagging of 60+ bags of leaves. Ugh!

  7. Man, do I remember feeling that! Last year was the first fall I experienced in years, and boy, was I excited about it... I'm sorry about the heat and lack of seasons.

    But it will be Halloween soon.
    The weather usually changes on Halloween. Even if you DO live in So Cal. Hang in there.

    Halloween will make everything better. I promise.

  8. Wallow all you like. We understand. I still miss having 4 distinct seasons. We just have "the rainy season" and "the more rainy season" Comfort food rocks.

  9. Fall is definitely my favorite. But I'll be incredibly jealous when we've had 10 degrees for 5 days in a row, and you guys are getting home from a 70 degree walk on the beach.
    Hopefully you can drive somewhere close-ish for a fall fix.

  10. I guess it's all what you're used to. Just yesterday I was was lamenting the freezing cold weather here. (It's been in the 60's). I've been dreaming of the eternal warmth and beautiful palm trees of Southern California.

  11. I love fall in Winnipeg--and being a California girl, I understand what you are saying.

    Pull out your Halloween decorations and maybe that will get you in the mood ; )

  12. I'm on the same boat as you but am not ready to jump ship and climb aboard the ship that gets burried in snow for months! I think I need to have someone send some fall leaves in an envelope!

  13. i'm sorry, sweets--i'd be in a funk, too. i grew up without an autumn season and i never realized what i was missing.

    toss in a few apple fritters next time you splurge on those donuts. drastic times call for drastic measures.

  14. Melissa!
    You did get your "Fall" fix-----> doughnuts! They are totally a fall food here in Idaho. So I say go and get some more.

  15. Sorry you're in a funk - but hey, if it ever convinces you to move further north I'll be glad of it. =P


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