Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good Idea/Bad Idea

Good Idea: Taking everyone out for dinner
Bad Idea: Taking everyone out for dinner and letting the kids finish off their root beer just a little too close to bedtime

Good Idea: Coming up with ideas for a witch kitchen
Bad Idea: Coming up with ideas for a witch kitchen while trying to eat dinner

Good Idea: Watching a T.V. show to relax
Bad Idea: Watching a T.V. show to relax, but then realizing that the show you're interested in is completely freaking you out

Good Idea: Remembering your Father-In-Law's birthday
Bad Idea: Remembering your Father-In-Law's birthday and still forgetting to call

Good Idea: Taking Baby Girl to a kids cooking class
Bad Idea: Taking Baby Girl to a kids cooking class where they end up burning the food each week

Good Idea: Buying a new pair of shoes that match your favorite skirt
Bad Idea: Buying a new pair of shoes that match your favorite skirt even though they're a tad too small

Good Idea: Blogging
Bad Idea: Blogging instead of sleeping

Good Idea: Setting the alarm for 6 a.m.
Bad Idea: Setting the alarm for 6 a.m.



  1. Oh how I love Animaniacs! In film school I wrote a whole script based off of the Good Idea Bad Idea theme. Love it!

  2. lol. yep, any good idea can go wrong - and usually does! i think we can all relate to this. i wonder if it works in reverse... bad ideas that end up being good ones?

  3. ref: witch kitch
    CORN NUTS, those things look vile.

    ogre toenails
    leper scabs
    troll boogers

  4. I'll add my own:

    good idea: watching biggest loser
    bad idea: watching biggest loser and realizing its only week 2 and they are getting dangerously close to your current weight. This baby better come out soon!! :)

  5. hahahhah! Aw - I love ya! :)

  6. That is to funny.

    I need to go back and read the post before this because I haven't a clue what a "witch kitchen" is???

  7. oh yes, that sounds dangerously familiar. Alas, my life....

    BTW, I wish I could think of more ideas for your witch kitchen, but I am so uncreative about stuff like that. Good luck though!

  8. I loved this post, and the video too! :D

  9. I'm not entirely sure blogging is a good idea...


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