Sunday, September 14, 2008

Update: I was thinking about this... my post may ruin the ending of a movie for some of you (Sorry Summer). So, if you haven't seen "Roman Holiday", you may not want to read this post! We now return to our regularly scheduled program...

What is it with old movies? Two people meet. They fall desperately in love. They want to be with each other more than anything in the world! But wait... in the last few minutes of the movie they discover that they can never see each other again. The end.

Wait... what?

We watched Roman Holiday the other night and I really enjoyed it... till the end! I knew that it would probably end that way, but it was still annoying to watch. They fall in love and then go their separate ways! What kind of romantic story is that? I know it's a movie... and I shouldn't get my panties all in a twist, but gosh darn it! When I watch a movie, I want to be entertained. And this? Was NOT entertaining. Just frustrating. I know it's more "realistic" or whatever... but it still bugs me.

What about you? What kinds of movies do you love to watch? What kinds aggravate you? And am I the only one who gets annoyed with movies like this?


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I think the only movie I've ever seen like that is Casablanca and I loved it. Mostly because their decision to part was a moral one and I love when people actually do the right thing in movies.

  2. I am definitely a "HAPPYILY EVER AFTER" type of person.

    (I can't remember if I've ever seen all of Roman Holiday.

  3. I agree! At least, nowadays, they'd keep in touch via email and eventually get back together...

    No. When I watch a romantic movie, I want to feel happy and gooey, not angry and indignant that they didn't work it out.

  4. i haven't seen roman holiday and doubt i will - especially now that you've ruined the ending for me =D [hehe]

    i want a movie not just to entertain me, but to make me feel deeply in some way. that's my measure for a good movie. so if the rest of the movie touched me deeply, the ending doesn't much matter.

    stop by when you get a chance. i've passed on an award to you.

  5. I think movies that keep you guessing are great. I do like happy endings but I like movies to at least sometimes reflect rea life. What I can't stand more than anything is horrible acting, or a plot so terrible that at the end of the movie I'm left wishing I had done something else, like scrub the toilets. (lifetime movies: You know which ones you are!)

    Have a great day!

  6. Oh don't you KNOW IT! I watch movies to ESCAPE from reality! lol! But, I do love a sad ending once in awhile. ;-)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh man,I've been wanting to watch Roman Holiday, but I read this before you added the spoiler warning. Darn. But since I love all things Italian, I have to watch it anyway.

  9. I like to watch movies to "escape" reality. I know that the critics don't like happily ever after endings and so movie makers feel compelled to stray from that type of ending, but I still like it anyway.

  10. I know what you mean! Drives me batty, those sorts of endings!

  11. I like the happy endings myself. It's frustrating when they leave you hanging like that.

    Movies where people are wrongly accused also bug me. I don't know why but I can hardly watch them. The injustice I guess.

  12. La la la la la I didn't read to the end because I've never seen this movie - but I want to.

  13. I enjoy old movies.
    Ever seen Penny Serenade?
    My favorite.

  14. Hey, your song sounds king of end-of-the-worldish.

  15. The closest I've ever gotten to watching Roman Holiday was seeing it referenced in Robert Downy Jr's "Only You." And now that I know the ending, why bother? :-)

  16. Anonymous1:04 AM

    I like movies that tie up all loose ends when it's done. I don't like wondering what happened.

  17. Just stopping by to see what is going on in your blogging neighborhood!

  18. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I'm a good movie freak... I think I can do anything EXCEPT horror. I'm still having nightmares over Freddie Krueger!

  19. I love Roman Holiday, Audrey Hepburn, yay.

    My movies must have a happy ending. I don't watch war movies or very sad movies because I have a hard time with that kind of suffering.

    I love horror movies. LOVE. No slasher films though, I hate those.

  20. Never watched that one. And now I have no desire to do so.

    If a movie is going to end sad, it better have a really good reason.


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