Friday, September 12, 2008

Um.... Hello!
So, we went BACK to Winco tonight to grab some snacks for a day trip we are taking tomorrow. I love to go into the bulk foods section and buying a little of this and that for when we are traveling. A lot of other people seem to like the bulk food section too. Some seem to enjoy it a little too much.
Now, I've seen people snitch a bite here and there from the bulk foods. Even though there are signs all over the place that say: NO SAMPLING. People seem to think that these sings are for "other people" not for them. So, they take a little bite now and then. But what I saw tonight ... well, it floored me.
You see... I was walking through the candy section, looking for a treat for the kids. I came around the corner and I noticed a woman and two young boys. They were eating. Not snitching. Not grabbing a bit here and there. They were FEASTING! The woman grabbed a handful of something and tilted her head back to dump the sweets in. The two boys were opening the lids of every bin as fast as they could, taking candy out, shoving it into their mouths and moving onto the next bin. These people were literally taking candy hand over fist and consuming it at break neck speed.
I stopped. I stared. I know my jaw dropped. And I just stood there. The woman finally looked at me, glared, and grabbed another handful of candy and shoved it in her mouth! I should have said something... but I didn't. I should have found a store clerk... I mean, HELLO! She was stealing! And I did nothing... I ended up walking away in a bit of shock... doing nothing.
A few minutes later I overheard some employees talking about the honey machine (they have this thing where you can get fresh honey). Some boys had filled a bunch of cups with the honey and then they were sticking their fingers in it and making a mess.
Seriously? What are these people thinking? Why do they think they have the right to take and destroy things that don't belong to them!? The lack of respect is flabbergasting. I really don't understand how people can be so thoughtless... and let their kids be that way... and, apparently, ENCOURAGE them to be that way!
Back to the woman and her two sons...would you have said something? Found an employee? What would you have done?


  1. Not sure what I would have done. I am AMAZED someone would do that and them encourage her children to do it, too.

  2. Man I don't know what I would do! That's even worse about the honey... that stuff is expensive!

  3. I think it depends if MY kids were with me, I'm always braver when they are with me. I think because they will call people out so easily. They know what's wrong and they aren't afraid to say so. Plus if they were with me and I didn't say anything, the next time they would say.....but that lady and kids did it, why can't we????

  4. I would've said something to the effect of, "Aw dude! You're the one that keeps driving the price up because you keep stealing it. Lame!" And walk away and then grabbed a store clerk. And if I was feeling especially ... fiesty, I would've taken a picture with my cellphone and asked the clerk who to mail the picture to.

    But, that's just me. Probably why my husband always steers me away from such things. *sigh* I never get to have any fun. (You know I'm kidding - about having fun, right? Please say you do.)

  5. I definitely would have said something to her, and then found a clerk. I'm mean like that. And I get perturbed (to put it mildly) when I see people doing idiotic things like that.

    Then, I would've had to watch my back all the way out of the store. Cuz I'm also paranoid like that.

  6. I would have definitely found the manager. And I love sariqd's idea of taking the picture.

  7. i'm not sure what i would have done. probably gone and found an employee. i'm wondering about the fact that their hands were into everything. isn't there scoops? if it were there hands, i would use that as my excuse to say something to the store.

    i'm with you. i just don't get the lack of respect and thoughtlessness. hope you have a great weekend.

  8. I definitely would have said something to a store employee and very possibly said something to her. That is, if Brayden gave me a chance. He seems to have a talent for stating the obvious. The more it shouldn't be said, the more likely he is to say it.

  9. Some people! Yeah, not sure what I would have done.

  10. I'm pretty sure I would have found a store employee... That is just wrong and GROSS.

  11. I probably would have done just what you did, but then I'd go home and totally regret not saying anything to anybody. You could always call the store and talk to a manager... tell them what you saw and gosh, maybe they'll post a "sentry" by the bulk foods!

  12. Gross! Um, I don't think I'll be heading over to WinCo anytime soon. That sounds worse than the caliber of people at walmart.
    I would have said something, for sure. Probably, "PIGS!"

  13. how dissapointing people can be.
    I have decided that you can't outguess the public.
    I think that it is totally disgusting what they were doing. and it was also stealing. My inlaws own a grocery store and they had a real problem with people sampling of the bulk food.
    I just thought that was a small town country bumpkin thing. I think that i would grabbed someone because they were steeling and they are the people that jack up my candy prices! there are no stores around here that even have a bulk section. I always wondered why-guess I know now.On another note-a honey machine? How cool is that? i am thinking that you californians are way more cooler than us utahns!

  14. Little snitches were not have bothered me but feasting? Problem would have said something to the manager. Of course, I always worry. I mean, what if these kids don't have food and this is their only sustenance?

  15. Oooooooh, busted!!!!

    I would have found an employee. That's just rude. I hate rude people.

  16. I can think of all sorts of things I would have -liked- to say, but I'm not sure I would have.

    That is so, so disturbing!

  17. I don't think I would have had the guts to say something to her either but I probably would have grabbed someone from the store. What are people thinking when they do this kind of stuff. Sheesh!

  18. I don't know what I would have done. I hope I would have just said something.
    I can't believe some people!

  19. That lady did what i always FEEL like doing...but I resist of course!!! I don't saying something her would have done any good I bet the look on your face was enough...maybe she would have thrown m n ms at you (which would have made a great post.) I would have alerted an employee though.

  20. So wrong. That's the reason we can't have nice things.

    I'd have found an employee >:(

  21. Truthfully I don't know what I would have done. I would like to think I would have told someone. How would you prove it though? No one wants to be a snitch.

  22. She was probably having a really rotten day, had no money, and the little man whispering in her ear made her do it.

    I don't know, Melissa. Maybe you did the right thing by walking away in shock. You don't want to get in between a crazy woman and her sweets, now, do you? (I hear they go all mother-bear on you and try to eat YOU next.)


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