Friday, August 01, 2008

Have you ever...

... got online to do something, but then couldn't remember what it was, so you blogged instead?

... fed your family cold cereal for dinner because you were too lazy to come up with something else?

... had a pile of books to read and not been sure where to start?

... bid for something on eBay and PROMISED yourself you would only go to a certain dollar amount... but then someone outbid you and you just couldn't let THAT happen... so you bid again?

... had a child get the flu in August?

... wondered what would happen if you didn't add water to your microwavable Easy Mac? (Thanks for helping me figure this one out Red!)

... tried to cover up a horrible smoky smell with some Lysol, only to discover that now your home has a "fresh scent" smokey smell?

... driven out to a business that was supposed to have it's grand opening a week ago only to find that they postponed the opening for another 2 weeks?

... gone past a gas station and thought "WOW! Gas is ONLY $4.09! I should stop and fill up!" and then realized how sad it was that you were excited about paying $4.09?

... written a "have you ever" list on your blog?
I rather enjoy these posts... just kind of random fun stuff. I won't be around this weekend. I'm going to dejunk and read. The end. Wish me luck... and have a great weekend!


  1. That Easy Mac looks like burnt worms...

    And I'd be cheering for 4.09 I paid 4.34 yesterday.

  2. Whoohoo! The Have You Ever...crazy sweeps the bloggosphere! I started that! It was me! Seriously, seeing others do it totally blows my mind.

    I can smell that smell in my head, if that makes any sense...

  3. Done many of those. Not the noodles, though. So thanks for letting me know...

  4. I agree with heather--the easymac does look like worms.

    I love the "have you ever" posts--I find myself going yes, yes...I have to agree with the gas one. Who'd have thought we'd be happy with gas and such crazy prices.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Uh, yeah. Hubby and I went to the temple last night, and I got all excited because gasoline at my favorite station was down 2 cents from $4.19 to $4.17. I was so thrilled!

    And, I have bookcases full of books that I haven't read and don't kow where to start! It's a very bad habit - but I just want to read EVERYTHING. Seriously.

    Good luck with the de-stashing! ;-)

  6. I always get on line to do something but get distracted checking my email. Drives me nuts when I do that. That Easy Mac looks like worms! ugh! (I just went back and read all the comments and noticed I wasn't the only one that thought that) And yes we have cold cereal for dinner on a regular basis. Nothing wrong with that at all! :)

  7. Yep, I thought you were cooking worms there for a minute Melissa :o)

    I love the "have you ever" posts.

  8. i like these sort of posts also. kinda like a potpourri of what's currently on your mind.

    my son once found out what happens when you don't add the water to the microwave mac 'n cheese. i know that smoky smell, too =)

  9. Yes to almost everything... who would have ever thought we'd be excited for gas to come down to $4 a gallon... yikes

  10. I have to say yes to most of those.

    We had the Easy Mac experience at our house. My kids came into my office to tell me that there were flames in the microwave. It completely melted the tupperware bowl that it was in (my son's favorite bowl. He cried)
    The smell lasted quite a while.

    (I need to add that when this happened the kids were probably fixing themselves lunch because I was too lazy to fix something for them)


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