Thursday, July 31, 2008

noun - a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.

I do have a rather peculiar habit that I've noticed about myself. I like food. Which really isn't that odd. I know there are a few people out there that don't believe in eating food (the Olsen Twins), but I am not one of those people. No, the oddity in my eating comes more with the rationalizing that I do as I eat it.
You see, I'm trying to be good. I'm exercising more. I'm attempting to get more sleep. And I'm trying to eat better. But, that's where this idiosyncrasy comes in.
I will sometimes bring home edible items that aren't very healthy for me. Then, I feel a rather bizarre need to consume ALL of that food. You know, so it won't be in my house tempting me to eat it.
Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? And yet, I do it. Over and over. I will tell myself, "Have more M&M's ... you really need to get them out of the house quickly so you won't be tempted to eat more tomorrow!"
Um... HELLO! I'M STUFFING MY FACE NOW! Do fat and calories multiply as foods sits around my house waiting to be consumed? The worst part is: after I've eaten the food, I feel bad that no one else got any. SO I GET MORE! Wasn't devouring the food so it wasn't in the house whole point of my really lame justification? I'm afraid that I've created a rather vicious cycle.
And now, if you'll excuse me, there's a yellow cake with chocolate frosting sitting in my fridge. I've already had a piece today, but I don't want to mess up my healthy eating for tomorrow... so I'll just finish it off tonight...
Am I the only one who does this??


  1. Um... no. But I have other weird food habits that I'd rather not divulge at this time. Okay - I will. I've got this tendency to buy "treats" because I never got the "cool" treats when I was a kid. (Hello - 1 of 11 kids, parents couldn't afford it! But what did I know?) Then I just snarf it down. It's the deprivation thing... I know it, but sometimes it gets the better of me. Especially when I'm super-duper stressed.

  2. I hope WE'RE not the only ones who do that!!!

    I felt very guilty when I read the part where you said you feel bad that no one else got any--WHAT!!!

  3. Uhhh... it sounds vaguely familiar.

  4. I am pretty sure my mom does that.

    My mom also throws away food and then squirts dish soap on it so she won't go retrieve it from the trash! She is the crazy one.

  5. Honey, this is the -only- reason I'm overweight. It's called binge eating, and it doesn't make much sense, does it?

    Strategies that work for me (sometimes) are these:

    1) Have hubby hide/lock up the goodies and dispense them to me, one serving at a time, when he comes home at night.
    2) Allow myself one treat per day. Have it after dinner then brush my teeth and eat nothing else.
    3) No sweets period. I've never managed this for more than a week though.

  6. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Especially about the part of eating it today so I don't mess up my healthy eating for tomorrow.

    It's like buying the diet coke with the Big Mac.

  7. I'll let you know if you're the weird one after I get done with the last piece of strawberry cheesecake.

    I don't know if its that i want to get it out of the house to make way for healthier eating or if I just don't want anyone else to get it first.

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Oh no.... ANOTHER inherited trait from passed from generation to generation..... :o)

  9. So if I went to Cheesecake factory 2 times on their $1.50 cheesecake day does that put me in this category??? Hmmm...ya.

  10. Wow. I don't know how you found out about me, but that is EXACTLY what I do.

    I hate it! :-S

  11. Hilarious....and so true.

  12. Totally...all the time. Just today I finished off my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I take it one step farther though. I replace my meal with whatever unhealthy treat is around. That way my calorie intake for the day is fine. But I'm pretty sure that brownies for breakfast and ice cream for lunch is not part of a healthy lifestyle. sigh.....if only....


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