Sunday, August 03, 2008

Cell Service
We are looking at possibly getting a new cell phone service. We're currently with AT&T and service is... well, okay. I'm still annoyed that I couldn't get emergency help this summer when I tried to report an accident. What if I had needed an ambulance and hadn't been able to use the cell phone? Isn't that the point of a cell phone? Anyway, I'm curious... who do you use? Do you like the plan you're on? What do you like? What don't you like? Have you ever been with a company that was really bad? I'd appreciate any input you can share!


  1. Sorry I'm a bit of no hoper when it comes to cell phones. Mine always has a flat battery in any case and I can never find it at the bottom of my hand bag either.
    Best of luck with that one!

  2. Weeeeell, with At&t you can get a new sweet iPhone! Then again, their plans are ridiculously expensive. I'm with Sprint, and although I don't think they have the best phones on the planet, their plans are pretty reasonable (they do that to stay competitive) Good luck with that!

  3. I'm no help--sorry. Our phone service is with a Canadian company. Good luck.

  4. We're currently with AT&T, but we don't have a choice since it's through Hubby's work with about 30 other people on a shared network plan thingy. I haven't needed to dial 911, though, so now that you mention that, I seriously hope it'll work if I ever do need to dial it from my cell. :-S

    I have been with Verizon in the past, years ago, and I wasn't very pleased with them. Funny, since I see all the commercials about how the have the largest network service n' all. I'm sure they've improved since 10 years ago, though.

    I think those are the only two I've used. Sorry I'm not much help. But good luck, and I hope you find something that serves your needs better!

  5. Stay aware from verizon! Although they do have some of the cooler cell phones, they have HORRIBLE customer service... and you always seem to notice little extra charges they slip into your bill. Sadly, I still have 1+ years in my contract and not enough $$ to buy myself out :(

  6. apparently other people hate Verizon, but I really like them. My personal cell if with AT&T and my work cell is with Verizon. As far as reception goes, Verizon blows AT&T out of the water. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the middle of nowhere and had to use my work cell phone cause my stupid AT&T phone didn't have reception.

    But since my Verizon phone is through my work I haven't had to deal with customer serivce or extra charges. I don't pay it so I've honestly never looked.

  7. We used to have AT&T many years ago and switched to Verizon because the reception was so bad. I never drop calls but my parents who have AT&T drop calls ALL the time.

    While I have been happy with Verizon's "signal coverage" their customer service is pretty bad, so make sure that everything is crystal clear with the reps before you start a contract... and if they screw you up, don't hesitate to ask for a manager. Hubby's gotten us some sweet deals from them because they screwed our bill up 2-3 months in a row...

  8. i'm on at&t and am fairly happy with it. are you saying that you were someplace that didn't have service? i guess that could happen with any service. but i've only had at&t, so i don't know.

  9. We've been with Verizon for 5 years and LOVE it. We get better reception than anybody else we know. :)


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