Friday, August 15, 2008

No! NONONO!! Have you heard? Did you see? Warner Brothers has decided to torture me! For some unknown reason, they hate me. HATE ME! Sigh... okay, so maybe not me in particular, but they did push back the release date for the Harry Potter movie from November of this year to JULY 17 OF NEXT YEAR. Stupid! The one article I read said, "Blah blah blah... writers strike... blah blah blah... need more scripts... blah blah blah... good opening weekend... blah blah blah..." Basically, from what the article said, they want to wait because they think they can make more money off of the movie next summer! Greedy jerks!!! I'm half tempted to not go at all!
That's a lie.
The other article I read said that the November release date was right in the middle of Daniel Radcliff's run of "Equus" here in the U.S. and Warner Brothers didn't want to deal with the nightmare of having their movie come out at the same time as their star will be running around naked on stage. It's bad publicity and all...
Either way, I'm in mourning. I'm usually not a cursing kind of a gal, but this sucks!

Sidenote: I thought about trying to replace the zipper, but the way it was set into the seam would have made it an extremely frustrating task. So, I drug my kids all over town and found another skirt!! I messed with the zipper before I bought it making sure it was a-okay! Tonight I will get all dressed up in my new duds and have Hubby take my picture tonight so you can see this skirt that caused such stress!


  1. i heard. although i was looking forward to the movie this fall, i can wait. but i know how disappointed all you fans are.

    can't wait to see the skirt. glad you found another one.

  2. Yay for the skirt!

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I hadn't heard! Those WB peeps are schmucks!!!

  4. Greedy, low-life schmucks. But, we'll all wait and go see it anyway, because what are we going to do? Not see the movie to spite them...I don't think so.

    Awesome about the skirt!

  5. I heard about the HP bummer!

    But hey, glad you found another skirt! Can't wait to see it on you!

  6. What luck on the skirt! (I HATE it when you find something you love--and there's something wrong with it--and you can't find one in good repair...I don't know how many times that's happened to me. So, HOORAY!)

  7. I thought of you when I heard that the HP movie was being pushed back. While I'm not nearly so devoted a fan as you are, I still think it sucks!

    Congrats on the skirt. Can't wait for the pic

  8. Greedy little money grubbers..LOL

  9. Oh, I haven't heard. That is annoying. I was so looking forward to seeing it in November. I will still go see it whenever it comes out.

    Can't wait to see the pic of you in the new skirt.

  10. Yeah, but they moved the date UP for the Twilight release. The studio execs taketh and they give away.....

  11. YAY!!! You found another skirt, woo hoo! :D least there will be a bright spot in the middle of the NEXT hot yucky summer! And I'm excited that the Twilight movie is being released early, because I'm a foolish old mom woman who can't wait to see it! ;)

  12. I have an award for you on my blog ; )

  13. was supposed to come out this fall?? I'm more out of it than I thought....:-)

  14. hear, hear!

    i know, i was feeling those exact emotions of personal torture, and i was all, well just for that, i'm not gonna go see it.

    but, right. like i can hold a grudge for the next five minutes, let alone the next 11 months.

    greedy killjoys.


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