Thursday, August 14, 2008

I have a hard time buying things for myself. I tend to get things for the kids and Hubby. So, tonight, when I bought clothes for myself, it was quite a moment! I found a really fun skirt and matching top at Target. Tried them on and they fit great. When I went to get the zipper down on the skirt it stuck a little, but I didn't think much of it.
I brought my lovely parcels home, modeled my new attire for Hubby and then went to change into my p.j.'s. The zipper wouldn't budge. I pulled and pulled and finally got it down far enough that I could get the skirt off. The zipper that was kind of stuck is now broken. It wouldn't be so bad, except the skirt was on clearance and it was the last one in my size.
I've already checked online to see if they had it - no such luck. So, I'll go back to the store, torture my children by making them sit still while I dig through racks and racks of clothes. If I can't find it at the first Target, there is another one across town. I'll drag the kids there. If they don't have it there... well, then I'll drive to another Target till I find it!
Sigh. I really liked that skirt!!


  1. Anonymous1:44 AM

    You're a pretty crafty person. Can you replace the zipper?

  2. My first thought was like kailani's--you could probably put in a new zipper. Good luck.

  3. Why? Why does it hafta be like that??
    And for me? I could probably eventually put in a new zipper, but it would actually be faster to just drive to every Target in town.

    Good thing you're a better seamstress than I!

  4. Stupid zippers! I hope you can find another one or fix the zipper!

  5. ARGH!!! Don't you just hate when that happens, and it's really hard to find a replacement? But I really hope you DO find another one! Good luck! :)

  6. When you fix it, or return it, or whatever let's see a picture!

  7. Ahhh, such a pain. But I'm like you--I rarely buy things for myself. But when I finally do, I definitely go on a shopping spree, usually about once a year!

  8. oh drats. i'm not a seamstress so i'd be driving to every target i knew of. good luck. and have a great weekend.

  9. That always chaps my hide when I get something new and it breaks right away. I see from up above you found a new one so at least there is that.


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