Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Randomly Random
It's time once again for me to spout off about the crazy things that are going on in my life and the bizarre thoughts that are bouncing around in my head.... ready... set... go!
  • I have found a new and FANTASTIC use for sticky notes! I have always used them for reminders for myself and the kids, but now, they have a higher purpose: bookmarks. They don't fall out if I drop the book or hold it in an awkward way. And they're much harder for my kids to yank out. Something that Little Bug rather enjoys. I'm not sure if he just likes to pull the paper out of the book or if he loves watching me scramble afterwards to find my spot again... either way, it's frustrating. But not any more... Post-it's - the bookmarks of tomorrow!
  • I love the t.v. show Psych! Have you ever seen it? We have to watch it online because we don't have cable. But every episode makes me laugh. I'm not talking about a slight chuckle here. I'm talking full on belly laugh, brings tears to my eyes kind of laughing. I was going to put a clip in here, but I couldn't pick a favorite. So, go to this link here and watch a few episodes...
  • TWO WEEKS! I can survive for two more weeks... right? Then school starts and I can be sane again... right? Please tell me that I'm right... please?
  • I've decided to kick the addiction... yes, that's right. I have an addiction. The Olympics. I start watching each evening and suddenly it's midnight... or later. My headaches are back. I'm completely exhausted. I need sleep. The swimming events are my favorite and now they are done (woo-hoo Mr. Phelps!). I think I'm going to return to a 10-10:30 bedtime. For my own sanity and the safety of my children.
  • I've been reading "The Kingdom and the Crown" series by Gerald N. Lund - I'm loving them! I highly recommend them to anyone. They are really fantastic books.
  • Have you ever been to Southern California? What is your favorite thing to do here? My parents are coming in October and I'm trying to plan some really fun things... but I'm drawing a blank. I know... how dumb is that? I LIVE HERE! Sigh... thoughts? Ideas?

And that concludes another randomly random post about the tidbits of my life. Until next time...


  1. I love random posts like this ; )

    I have watched way too much of the Olympics, too. But, I have to admit, it's been so worth it.

    I love Southern California. I love going to the beach whenever I'm there.

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Well, you know how I love all the amusement parks - Disneyland, Universal Studios, Knotts.

  3. I KNOW about the olympics! I've had to nix anything after 10 pm in hopes of getting anything done the next day!

  4. I'm totally with you on the Olympics. I have been dragging myself to bed at 10:30 because I can't stay up past 11 anymore. I hate that all the good stuff doesn't start until 10.

    Have you taken your parents to the Hotel del Coronado?

  5. Yay for the imminent return of sanity! Or a reasonable facsimile thereof anyway...

  6. I gave you an award on my blog .

  7. I'm counting down the days too.... but I started like 2 months ago! ;-)

    The sticky-note is a great idea except my kids use them for decorations all over the house! I use a cut-off corner of an envelope for a book-mark. Just slip it over the corner of a page. Then my kids don't see a book-mark sticking out.

  8. Yes, you can survive for two more weeks. You are WOMAN, hear you roar. How's that?

    Great idea with the sticky notes. Also good to know about the new series you are reading. I am now addicted to the "Children of the Promise" series. I've been listening to them in the car and just love them.

  9. I.LOVE.PSYCH! It is my favorite show! I have season 1 and I watch it over and over again. I need to go buy myself season 2. Who do you like better...Sean or Gus??

  10. You mean it's possible to kick the Olympic addition BEFORE it's over? Then again, I don't think I could have missed May/Walsh crushing the Chinese late last night!

  11. It kills me that we have to watch the Olympics so late...I missed most of the gymnastic events I wanted to watch (mostly the floor routine--man, can those girls fly!). Last night we watched May and Walsh get the gold for beach volleyball...again. Those girls are fierce.

    And two weeks? Aaaahhh...yes, it's sooo close. Hang in there... (Halloween is coming, too! Yay!)

  12. yes, you can make it 2 more weeks =)

    i can't quit my addiction because i'm enjoying the volleyball and track & field. i'll have to wait until the end of the olympics before i can catch up on my sleep.

    since i grew up in so. cal, i can't think of anything special. how about a trip to balboa island or the seal beach area. or how about a trip over to catalina, but i know that gets expensive. and of course, there's all the tourist traps in anaheim (and not just mickey world). have fun.

  13. I tell myself that if the olympians can train and prepare themselves for 4 years for the Olympics, I can stay up late for two weeks, right? Thank goodness for DVR.

    Last summer we went to Laguna Beach and San Juan Capistrano. It was such a beautiful old mission with amazing gardens - a great place to get pics of the family. I love pretty old stuff like that. Laguna beach is a darling, artsy town, and if you can go during the sawdust festival, it is a fun, kid-friendly art show, where the you can watch glass blowers, and the kids can try their hand at throwing pottery, etc.

  14. I like using Post-Its for bookmarks too!

    My hubby always goes to sleep around 10:00 PM...but the Olympics kept him up WAY past his bedtime, haha! :D

    I just can't think beyond DISNEYLAND!


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