Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Mii


And yes. We're having a blast with it!


  1. How fun! Happy Mother's Day.

  2. My guys (all 3) played a Wii at our friends home last week. The campaign is now on to convince me to get them one. I am notorious for my dislike of computer games. E, however, is on the "it's good exercise" campaign!

    Wii'll see what happens. ;)

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    No fair!!

  4. ENJOY!!!! I've played a couple of times and LOVE IT.

  5. Yippee!! I'm so glad you got one. They are sooo much fun. Maybe one of these days I can figure out how you can play with other people through the web.

    Great Mothers Day gift!

  6. omgosh. on my reader, the title showed: hsppy mother's day to mii (mii - didn't really pay attention to that clue) and yes, we're having a (cut off the rest). i thought for sure you were going to say, "we're having a BABY!"

    lol. guess not. but that would be a cool mother's day present, right? =D enjoy your wii.

  7. Whoohoo! Congrats! See you when you resurface! ~Lol~

  8. How fun! My kids had played Wii's at other people's houses and loved it (even my girl who dislikes most video games) but I didn't really see the hype until I played one myself... now I'm telling hubby we need to buy one for the family for christmas! They are sooo fun!

  9. The Wii is so much fun!

  10. I'll come play too! I've heard its lots of fun and good exercise. I've yet to experience it!

  11. My 12 year old saved up a good part of the money for a Wii, then we paid the rest and got it for his birthday last May! :)

    My married son left his drum set in the room where the Wii is...recently he came over and made the house vibrate with his drumming, as usual. It vibrated so much that the Wii fell off the TV table and onto the floor and broke! :0

    We had to send it in for repair, and it just came back yesterday. I guess you can imagine my son's joy! :D

  12. I just saw a news report about the manufacturer trying to hook people into buying Wii's for Mother's Day.

    It worked!

  13. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Congrats on such a cool gift! I totally suck at tennis!

  14. You must be an awesome mother to get such a nice Mother's Day gift! ;)

    Me, I may have to satisfy myself with the annual pansy plant from church.....

    Have fun!! :D


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