Thursday, May 01, 2008

Haphazard Happenings
Just some random things happening here...

  • I put my kids to bed last night at 6:54. I was done. And for their own safety and my sanity, it was best for them to be in their beds.
  • I'm rereading the last two Harry Potter books. Why? Well, I have read the first 5 many times and thought it would be fun to read the last two. When I'm done with those I'm going to read Prince Caspian and then the Fablehaven books again. After that, I'm going to read Eragon and Eldest to get ready for the new book this fall. And this summer, I might, JUST MIGHT, read the Twilight series... we'll see.
  • Red is coming down with a cough. I was hoping it was allergies, but it's not looking that way. Grrr....
  • Photobucket is a great place to find pictures, but I've learned something very important about that site: NEVER EVER READ ANYTHING ON ANY OF THE PICTURES!! And if you aren't sure what it's a picture of - DON'T LOOK CLOSELY. I've seen some pretty disturbing stuff on there... but if I follow those two rules, it's not too bad!
  • We are having a class next week on alternate cooking sources. It's part of a preparedness group that I'm the head of... anyway, I have a gal who will be talking about cooking with a solar oven and then I'm going to talk about Dutch oven cooking. I'm trying to see if I can get someone who knows a little more about it to come, but if not, I'll give the basics... since that's all I really know... does anyone have a favorite Dutch oven recipe they'd like to share?

dutch oven

  • I got an early Mother's Day gift... it deserves a blog post all of it's own... so I'll share that with you in a few days.
  • Little Bug is saying and signing so much right now! He does this every spring. His language skills go crazy and then they slowly disappear over the summer and fall. Last year he retained quite a bit of his language. I'm hoping he'll do even better this year. Yesterday he said or signed: help, please, thank you, more, cereal, and water! It's such a fun thing to hear his little voice speaking words rather than his usual random sounds :)
  • I made cinnamon rolls yesterday... so yummy! I won't tell you how many I ate yesterday... or how many I've already had today. But I'm tempted to go grab another one right now... in fact, I think I will! Have a fabulous day bloggernauts!


  1. I'm toying with the idea of reading the Twilight Series too. I tend to resist doing what everyone else is. I held off on Harry Potter till Book Four came out, I think.

    I really want a cinnamon roll now, but being sick yesterday helped me drop 2.5 pounds in one day and I'm psyched about that! Woot!

  2. I'm currently reading Harry Potter again too, because I am reading it to my kids. I want to read Eragon and Eldest again too. Love those books!!
    I put my kids to bed early almost every night when my husband is travelling. And you are is for their safety!!
    I meant to post a comment on the hamburger cupcake post. So cute!!! I love them!
    AND for dutch oven recipes, my favorite is making funeral potatoes in it. They taste so much yummier. :)

  3. I'm reading the second Twilight book now. I read the Chronicles of Narnia last year. It would be fun to read all the Harry Potters again. I read the 5th and 6th before 7 came out. I've been watching the movies on ABC every Saturday. It's been fun watching them again.

    Funny about photobucket! Thanks for the advice!

    Mmmm, cinnamon rolls...

  4. I would love to hear all about the alternate cooking source class. I love dutch oven cooking--so great.

    How fun that Little Bug is saying and signing so much. Hope he retains a lot of it.

    Yum on the cinnamon rolls--sound delicious.

  5. Way to go Little Bug!!

    Sometimes it's better for my kids to go to bed early too! ;)

    I could read Harry Potter all the time.

    Don't bother with the Twilight series. Or if you do, don't expect great literature or even good writing. Read it only if you want to get really annoyed with a stupid teenage girl.

  6. Dutch oven is so yum! We love to make cobbler and tamale pie.

  7. Whew, I thought I was the only one on the planet that hadn't read the Twilight Series.

    I haven't read the Harry Potter series because I've seen to many of the movies and I get bored easily.

    Way to go Little Bug!!

    I can totally relate to early bedtime.

  8. Anonymous2:43 PM

    LOL! I've had days like that. I put the kids to bed as soon as it gets dark outside. After all, I should take advantage of the fact that they can't tell time yet!

  9. You know, you've just inspired me to buy my hubby a Dutch Oven for Father's Day. I've always wanted one and it's the perfect excuse.

    So nope, I've got nothin' for ye. :-)

  10. I can't believe you haven't read Twilight yet - I think it ranks in my top 5 all favorite books! I have listened to the audio book 3 times and I could do it again in a heart beat! We have a book club here and attendence is pathetic at best... there is usually 3-4 of us, but the night we met for Twilight we had 19 ladies show up! Give it a shot... I don't think you'll be disappointed and the final book comes out in August! I can't wait!

    Bummer we won't get to meet at TOFW... I come to So Cal at least a couple times a year to visit my aunt in San Bernardino or go to Disney, etc... I'm sure we can find another chance to meet... that would be awesome!

  11. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Tell Amber to get the PRE-SEASONED dutch oven. They are great!

  12. that's so cool about little bug. i'm sure it must be exciting for you all.

    i look forward to hearing what you received for mother's day.

  13. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I'm reading Jane Eyre again, but all those sound really good.

    And those cinnamon rolls sound very dangerous!

  14. 6:45 that is awesome...that's why I don't like day light savings and spring , it s so light I have a hard time putting the kids to bed when it's light out...probably from bad childhood memories of being put to bed too early...

  15. I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you decided to read the Twilight series! Do it, do it... ;)

  16. I'm a bloggernaut?

    Do I need a special suit and oxygen tank?

  17. We do have a favorite Dutch Oven potatoes recipe that we love - maybe I'll email it to you someday soon. (And maybe you should email me that cinnamon rolls recipe....?)

    How wonderful about Little Bug's communication expansion - I hope it lasts longer and longer and expands even more. ;) It must be such a wonderful thing.

    (Did you go to the concert? How was it??)


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