Saturday, May 03, 2008

So, tonight was the concert. Babysitting was arranged. I had bought water and snacks. We cleaned the house and got a few things gathered for dinner for the kids. And with each task and each step I felt worse and worse. I really like Rascal Flatts. I really wanted to see them in concert. But the uneasiness just didn't wear off. So, we called our friends, asked them to come over for dinner and we stayed home. We didn't go to the concert.
The rest of the evening unraveled like this...
... early this afternoon, Hubby stubbed his toe on a box in the hall that contains 6 gallon jugs of water. The aforementioned toe is now swollen to twice it's normal size, super tender to the touch, and it's black and blue. I don't think he will be able to get shoes on anytime soon.
... I put my hip out. I know. I sound like I'm 80! But I have inherited really bad hips. Around 9:00 this evening I couldn't even walk.
... Red went with a friend and his Dad to an air show today. They called us around 8:30 to apologize for being so late. Red had thrown up and was in the bathroom at a Denny's where they had stopped. They didn't get home till 9:30 and he was so upset at what had happened.
Those three things alone make me feel like we made a good choice. Hubby's foot would have hurt all night long, my hip would have gone out an hour before Rascal Flatts even took the stage, and Red would have come home to a babysitter who would have been super sweet to him, but it wouldn't have been Mom and Dad checking on him and letting him know that everything was okay (he's a worrier... he was afraid he was going to be in trouble for throwing up in their car...)
So, instead of the awesome country music filling my ears, I'm listening to my neighbor's dog bark. And bark. And bark... but I still feel like we made the right choice.
But, just out of curiosity.... if you wanted to throw something at a dog to make it SHUT UP, would you throw something heavy, sharp or both? Hypothetically speaking, of course...


  1. A muzzle, my dear. Also used on children. :-)

    And I'm so sorry nothing seemed to work out this weekend!

  2. I'm sorry things didn't work out like you had hoped but it sounds like you made the right choice. You listened to a prompting and that can't be wrong.

    I'm thinking tranquilizers delivered via something heavy :o)

  3. I'm sorry you didn't get to go--I know you were so excited. We've not done things because of similar feelings--it's such a hard choice. I hope everybody's feeling better

  4. From the sound of it-you made the right choice. I too have had to miss a concert-keith Urban-i was very very sad-but their will be other concerts.
    as for the Dog thing-I can completely relate. I had a neighbor dog who wouldn't shutup! Apparently his fam didn't like it either-he now lives at a farm.
    But, before he left I checked on the noise ordinaced of the city and anything after ten-can be called in. So-if you don't really like these neighbors or don't mind to make a fuss-call em up. If not-I always yelled followed by a large stick. It worked for about 3.3 seconds, but i had to do something-i was about to lose my mind!!!!
    Congrats on the WII! Isn't it so fun! Good family times. You will be amazed at what the kids will be able to unlock. don't take it to heart-all kids can do it-it's not you!

  5. Both. Then I would buy a muzzle and secretly leave it on their porch. My dad is thinking about using my sons airsoft gun on a neighborhood cat. Do you want to borrow the rifle? You can just peg him from your bedroom window.How annoying for you. I am sorry you missed your concert. I know you were so looking forward to it. I hope you all get feeling better.

  6. Sorry about the concert. I'm glad that you listened to the spirit though. Hopefully you'll get a better opportunity to see them again!

  7. I'm so sorry, but it sounds like you did the right thing. Hope Red is feeling better. How's hubby's toe???? What about your hip?

    Regarding the dog, not sure what I would do.

  8. i'm sorry you didn't end up going. i know how much you were looking forward to the concert.

    i'm impressed how you came to the conclusion to not go... just not feeling right about it and then making that decision.

    hope hubby's toe and your hip heals quickly.

  9. Sounds like the right choice. I'm afraid I might have sold out to my feelings for Rascal Flatts.

  10. I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted. But, you did the right thing.

    The dog? Like Tausha said, check your city's noise ordinances and start calling the police. Or maybe something tasty, laced with tranquilizers?

  11. Oh yuck! So sorry, but so glad you listened to that prompting!

  12. Bummer about the concert. Rascal Flatts is one of my faves.

    But good for you for listening...I probably would have gone anyway so that I could have seen them!

  13. you must spray the dog with water and yell hush. a large squirt gun shoots pretty far (hjust ask the neighborhood dogs)
    pretty soon you can just yell hush and they'll stop fearing the water. this really, really works and does not harm the dog.

  14. Uh, I'd hire a hitman.

    So sorry you didn't get to attend the concert. Sounds like the deck was stacked against you. I hate it when that happens!

    Hope you're all recovering from the day's events, though. :S Craziness!

  15. I'd want to throw an elephant...if I could actually lift it! That would take care of the problem for sure! ;)

  16. I'm sorry about the toe and hip pain and Red's sickies. :(


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