Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do You Have....
an amazing girlfriend? You know, one that is just awesome in every possible way? If not, may I suggest that you find one...
We needed to find someone to watch the kids so that Hubby and I could go to the concerts this weekend. The problem with this Saturday is that it's going to be 12:30 or so before we get home. I called my friend this morning to see who she uses for a babysitter. You see, we don't go out much. I worry too much about Little Bug. The other two are fine... but I always worry about a teenager here with him. If he escaped, what would they do?
ANYWAY, I was talking to my friend, trying to pick her brain for ideas, and she offered to watch the kids. I told her no way... but in the end, she convinced me that it would be okay. She and her hubby will come over and bring their kids. They will play and hang out till everyone is exhausted. Then one of them will take their kids home. The other will stay with our kids.
I owe this gal BIG TIME!! I am so thankful for her willingness to help us out. Hubby has been working some really crazy hours lately. We haven't had a lot of time together. Now we get to spend an entire evening hanging out and listening to awesome music! I am so excited and so thankful!!
Any suggestions on how to repay this gal? I offered to pay her, but I know she won't take money... and I've offered to babysit her kids for EVERYTHING for the rest of their lives. Would you help me brainstorm some fun things to do for her and her hubby?


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM

    WAHOO!!! I knew it would work out!!!! You guys go and have a GREAT time! Fix them one of your fabulous "good food and treats" meals! I would babysit an evening in exchnage for that any time! :o)

  2. I'm so glad that you have a good friend like that. I'm so excited for you and your hubby to have a great night out--you both deserve it.

    I agree with anonymous--good food and treat meals sounds good to me ; )

  3. Love it!! If you were going to pay her anyway put the money to a gift card (restaurant or movie) so she and her hubby can have a date night sometime!

  4. I would have watched your kids if we lived nearby!

    While I'm sure she doesn't expect anything, a restaurant card and movie tickets are always nice. My husband and I are more likely to go out when we have that.

    Woo hoo!! Have fun!!

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    What about a "Date in a Box" type of thing? Work it out with her hubby and then drop off a box filled with a baguette, brie, strawberries, pears, sparkling cider, candles, a game, or whatever and then take the kids (or have her dh drop them off.)

  6. Good friends are one of Heavenly Father's most special blessings. I'm so glad to hear that yours will be able to help you. You and hubby truly deserve a break.

    I think all the ideas given are fabulous.

  7. she is indeed a good friend. how about a gift card to a restaurant and you can offer to watch her kids while her and her husband go out. or movie tickets and babysitting.

    let us know how the concert goes. i'm so glad you get to go. i'm sure you'll have a great time.

  8. Yay!!

    I've always dreamed of someone I could trade babysitting services with like that. They give us date nights, we give them date nights.

    Hasn't happened yet, but I'm so glad for you!

  9. So great of your friend! I hope you guys have so much fun!

  10. When I need to show gratitude in a big way and I know they won't accept money, I get a gift card for a restaurant. I write a note telling them this is not pay, but I want them to go out and have a nice date together so they can be as happy as they made ME! :)

  11. I met a lady today at our homeschooling thingie and she mentioned that her and her husband regularly have date nights where they switch child care duties with another couple. At that point her pre-schooler son piped up and said "I love going on Date Nights!"

    She said they probably need to re-train the kids to say that it's a playgroup thing, not Date Night because of weird looks that people have given them when they hear a 4 year old talking about how much he loves date night.


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