Monday, May 05, 2008

Reward vs. Reality
I've never been one to enjoy house work. I hate laundry. I delegated the dishes to Hubby years ago. I don't like picking up after everyone. Bathrooms are just nasty - end of story. I have stacks of paper all over the place, but I just don't want to go through them.
For a long time I just labeled myself as a lazy slacker. It made me feel guilty - which is what everyone needs in their life, right? More guilt.
But then I realized something about myself - I am reward driven. Completely. If I have to get laundry done then I set up a reward for myself... such as reading or computer time. Sometimes I'll even set it up so that if the house is totally clean, we go out for dinner that night.
But my reward right now is something much bigger. Bigger than dinner, a bag of M&M's, or some reading time. The reward right now is lack of embarrassment.
You see, I have a group of women from our church coming over tomorrow for a class. And the last thing I want these ladies to see is my piles of unfolded laundry or the inch thick dust on every surface in my home or the carpet that at this moment looks like leapord print because of all the little spots on it.
So, I don't know how much I'll be around for the next few days. I'll try to get around to the blogs (as a reward for getting tasks done!) but we'll see how it goes.
I did dust this morning and now my reward time is up for that task. Time to go accomplish some other mundane thing... but before I go, I'm curious... what motivates you to get up each day and do the things you do?


  1. I am so much the same way! I motivated myself by having people over often. Or...well...I did before all the chaos of being sick amd moving and whatnot. I wish I could motivate myself just for the sake of having a clean home for me and my family, but I need that extra kick, you know?

  2. ok-i am a little anal about the whole house cleaning thing. I relly don't like a dirty house. I quite enjoya nice clean cute house. But, one thing that does motivate me is when I watch HGTV. i know that it sounds weird, but when i see thouse homes-i think, my house is cuter than that, or-what a great idea and then i run and do it or i run and clean my house so i can know that my house is cuter and cleaner than the one i just saw on the tv. i know, i am shallow, what can i say. you were the one who wanted to know. ;0

  3. I'm motivated by how great it feels to have it done. Stupid, eh?!? It just feels good to have it clean.

  4. Same as you...I'm actually intentionally inviting others over once a month so I have a reason for a good deep clean! I have ladies coming on Wed., so you can guess what I am doing as well!

  5. I'm motivated by rewards too... I host things at my house often too just so I will clean! Good luck!

  6. hope your house cleaning is getting done =)

    as much as i don't enjoy having youth group at my house every week, i know my house will be clean. once we're done with youth group, i shudder to think how little my house may be cleaned.

  7. Good luck. as to what Tausha said, her house is always clean it's kinda making the rest of us look bad. I hate cleaning too. I invite people just to get it cleaned too. I hope your class goes well. Is it the dutch oven one? I will look forward to hearing afterwards.

  8. when my house is too horrible even for me I invite people over for a party. works every time

    as for every day stuff? no clue whatsoever

  9. Hope you'll be able to accomplish all that you need/want to, and that the gathering with the women is fun!

    What motivates me to get up each day......

    Uh, fear of what the ransacking will be if I don't try to keep at least a little semblance of order. That, and I reward myself with a nice little bit of dessert after the children go to bed. And I also look forward to sleeping at night.

    You know, the small and simple things, for me. ;)

  10. Anonymous2:22 PM

    If you figure out how to get the leopard prints off your carpet, please let me know!

  11. I get motivated in the late afternoon. I like having the house tidy when my husband gets home! Not that he expects it (he doesn't), although he does appreciate it. I'm a bit old-fashioned that way! I want it to look like I did something other than blog all day!!

  12. Lately I have had absolutely no motivation to clean my looks the way you described yours! Embarrassment is my biggest motivation, so I will be cleaning today...Zach's birthday party is Friday night, and even though they are just 13-year-olds, it's time to get busy NOW! :0


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