Thursday, May 29, 2008

Batter Blasters
batter blaster
Have you seen these things? They are a riot! It's pancake batter in an aerosol can like whipped cream! You heat up the pan, squirt some batter in and wah-lah! Pancakes! You can make waffles too, but I haven't tried that yet. My kids actually prefer these pancakes to the ones that I usually make. I found them at Costco... I think it was 3 cans for about $9. I love anything that is going to make my life easier to clean up!


  1. I like those, too! AND did you notice they're organic? So you can save the planet, too!

  2. I have seen those but honestly they kind of freak me out! LOL I didn't know they were organic though so that changes thins. i guess I'll have to go read the package...

  3. Uh, can I just say....

    WEIRD! :S

    Interesting, but still, kinda weird. ;)

  4. Zach Face would LOVE that! :0

  5. no way! that's crazy!

    but now i want to try it. i'll let you know how i like it once i've tried it.

  6. That looks like it would be great.

  7. Should IHOP be worried?

    It reminds me of Carrot Jello and her post that she wrote to the tune of Maneater only she changed it to CANEATER. Ooohhh here they come, they are CANEATERS!

  8. I think that might just be one of the coolest things ever. My kids would think I was cool too. I am going to get some and save it for a holiday.

  9. Whoa.

    Never seen anything that crazy since I first saw Cheez-Wiz.

  10. And--I really want to know--can you get high (read: light-headed and slightly poisoned) from inhaling the fumes? I can see it now: there will be a new rage in high schools across the country to inhale the residual fumes from an empty bottle of "Batter Blaster."

  11. And could that name be any better? BATTER BLASTER!!! It sounds like a weapon the Pilsbury Doughboy would use when fighting his arch-nemesis, Cap'n Crunch!

    Yes. They ARE arch-enemies. Doughboy is a sailor, and the Cap'n is actually a pirate.

  12. I found your blog through another blog.

    I've never seen aerosol pancakes before.

    What's next? Aerosol cheese? Oh wait. How about aerosol...I'm out of ideas.


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