Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Scale War
We own two scales. The first one gives me my new horrible weight. The second says I'm 4 pounds lighter. Of course, my brain wants to go with the second, but my jeans are telling me that I need to go with the first scale. Sigh. Stupid jeans.


  1. I'd go with the second scale myself. :-)

  2. I'd throw away the first scale ; )

  3. If jeans weren't so pricey I'd suggest throwing -them- away.

  4. Ha Ha! I'm with you. I feel all skinny and not so fat when I weigh myself on our scale, but the minute I go to the dr office, I suddenly gain 7 pounds on their scale. It sucks. I HATE SCALES! Oh yeah, and my jeans are revolting against me too!

  5. i don't use scales - they are EVIL! and i don't need them to tell me i'm gaining weight. like you, it's the jeans that tell me. sometimes they're evil, too =/

  6. Weigh yourself on the heavy one this week. Then diet the whole week and then weigh yourself on the other one. You will feel amazing!!!!

  7. I think you should just go with a good, sturdy hammer. I'm sure the scales would both come to see things in the proper light with a little...uh, adjustment.


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