Sunday, May 18, 2008

At a Glance
Do you ever read something out of the corner of your eye and totally misunderstand what is written? For example, in the BlogHer ads on the right hand side, there was a link that said "Bloggers Unite for Human Rights..." . Now, I just kinda glanced at it... and I'm tired... so I hope you'll forgive me when I say that I did a double take because I thought it said "Bloggers URINATE for Human Rights".
And yeah. I can see how that could bring some temporary relief, but really, it's not a long lasting solution. Don't you agree?
I think I need more sleep. Who knows what will pop up in my sidebar tomorrow if I continue to be sleep deprived...


  1. Too funny. I seem to do that a lot, too. Only not as funny as you!

  2. I'll gladly urinate for human rights. I get that tired too. Get some rest. If that is at all possible for us moms.

  3. LOL, that's funny. Our brains can sure play some funny tricks on us.

  4. So does that mean that from now on, whenever my DH gives me a hard time for needing to use the restroom wherever we go that I can tell him that I'm just doing my part for human rights?


  5. That's hilarious! I do that all the time too...I'm always doing double takes!

  6. Yeah, I do it all the time.

    Urinate, I mean. I NEVER see what isn't there. Like all those little people telling me to burn things. *sigh*

    Actually, the other night on the television, there was a commercial for a realty company that mentioned a "condo connoisseur." Neither the hubby nor I were looking at the tv, and we both heard "condom connoisseur."

  7. That is just HILARIOUS! So is Wynne's TV experience, HAHA! :D

  8. Hee hee! You are the -cutest-!

  9. yesterday I urinated for animal's rights

  10. The funny thing? I thought that YOU typed "Untie for Human Rights." I was thinking, "Untie what? Their shoes? Huh?"

    I need sleep, too.

  11. i do the same thing. and i don't even have to be tired =)

  12. Anonymous1:52 AM

    LOL! I do that all the time! I read something wrong and then start bursting out laughing. People think I'm strange sometimes.

  13. That is too funny--and I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

  14. Too funnY! My daughter and I were watching tv the other night and that "I love my Internet" commercial from Qwest came on and she thought it was saying "I love Mom Interrupted" (my blog name). I had to laugh and say to her that I didn't think my blog was that famous yet. Hee Hee

  15. I do that continuously! When I throw the paper in the early morning hours I always misread the headline which send me into fits of laughter until I shake it out to read it more clearly.

    This post totally made me laugh.


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