Tuesday, May 20, 2008

And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
Sunday night we got a phone call from one of Red's friends. Both of his parents were scheduled to work Monday night and they were wondering if he could stay here. "Sure, no problem!" I said, wanting to help out where I could. So, he came over. They played PlayStation for awhile and then it was time for bed.
Yeah, right.
They talked. And they talked and they talked and they talked. And, while Red's friend is a nice kid, he has no idea how to whisper. Red's not the greatest at it either. So, the noise level started out fairly normal, but usually grew to a roar. I've never said "SHH!" so many times in one evening.
And then, to add insult to injury, they were up at 5:15 giggling. And trying to whisper, but it wasn't really happening. And they got louder and louder and I finally got up, threatened them with their very lives, and crawled back into bed. But Red's friend just can't seem to keep the noise to a level considered normal and the "Shh"-ing began again.
Right now, Red is in the shower. And his friend? Quiet as a mouse. Me? I should go back to bed. I'm feeling a tad on the Grinch-y side and a little more sleep would help. But, Red will be out of the shower in a minute and the noise will begin. Again.
At least they'll head off to school in an hour or so... but they'll probably wake up Little Bug (who went to sleep around 10:30 last night) and Baby Girl (who seems to be getting sick and was up half the night with a stuffy nose and a cough). And those two will be so fun to be with! Sleep deprived and a tad on the sick side. Sounds like a recipe for a house full of Grinches to me. Should be a good day!


  1. Grinch days are tough. But, you know, there's always Scrabulous...

  2. Oh, you are much nicer than me. I would have split them up at 9 pm.
    You're so nice to want to help the parents!

  3. Oh dear! And you were already feeling sleep deprived! Hope the day turns out muchly better than expected!

  4. You are such a wonderful friend--I'm sure Red's friends appreciated your help so much.

    I hope you get a chance to catch a nap ; )

  5. so how did the day turn out? I am not good with out my sleep....i should be packing and not reading blogs

  6. ugh! i remember those days. sleepovers where kids wouldn't sleep. not fun.

    and i've been sleep deprived lately (mostly cuz of sickness) so i feel your pain.

    hope you catch up on your sleep.

  7. over nighter...not sleep over! YIKES!

  8. I'm catching up! I've missed reading. Sorry about the sleep over. I would be a grouch, too.

  9. That would bug me, but it would bug my hubby even more! :0


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