Saturday, May 17, 2008

When Does it Come Out On DVD?
Yep. It was that good. It came out yesterday. We saw it this morning and I'm already wondering when we'll be able to get the DVD.

Prince Caspian was an AWESOME movie! Lots of changes from the book, but I still loved it!
Have you seen it? Are you going to see it? Give me your thoughts...


  1. We're going to see it tonight after our Stake conference. I'm happy to hear that it's good. I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. I am soooo jealous! No movie theatre up here in the wild north. Picture me pouting!

  3. I LOVED PRINCE CASPIAN! King Peter is definately my favorite...he is such a great older brother. I loved Prince Caspian too, he did such a great job! And of course, little Lucy was a doll!

  4. Glad it was good! I hope to see it before it comes out of dvd but it's not likely.

  5. It has received great reviews. I can't wait!

  6. We haven't yet, but we plan to. I'm glad you liked it!

  7. I haven't been to a movie in AGES. So, no, I haven't seen it.

  8. Lauren told me it made her cry! I can't wait to see hubby just likes to wait a few days so it won't be so crowded! :)

  9. I'm excited about going to see it. Hope to soon. Will let you know what I think when I see it, but I know I will not be disappointed.


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