Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Curtains for You!
I live in a desert. It was 113 the other day. And in the summer it doesn't cool down at night. Sometimes our low temperature for the day only reaches the mid 90's. And so, you can see why our air conditioner runs. A lot. And our power bills? They make me want to cry.
So, we've been trying to think of ways to help save money. We're renting right now, so it can't be anything permanent. Our thermostat is set at 81 during the day and 78 for night. We have blinds in all the windows, but they really don't seem to help that much. The other day I put up curtain's in my boys room. I used white corduroy - hoping that the white would help reflect some of the heat. I don't know if you can really see the top... I cut off the tops of some old blue jeans - buttoned them together and then sewed them to the top of the curtain. Not that this helps save energy, I just love the way it looks!And then we tried something. We bought some Mylar blankets - the kind that you find in the camping section at the store. And I got some strong magnets or earth magnets. And I hung the Mylar between the blinds and the curtains using the magnets.
It has made a huge difference! I did this in Baby Girl's room too and I can't believe how much cooler these two rooms feel. Hopefully we will be able to do this in the dining room and living room too.
So, do you have any tricks for keeping your home cool during the summer and saving a little money along the way?


  1. That's awesome! What a good idea!

  2. I'm just like you... have to get creative in blocking light from the windows...

    I went to Joann's and bought a bunch of "black out" fabric - it's white and I cut a piece to the exact size of th window. Then I used those black binder clips to attach the fabric to the back side of the woodblinds (inbetween blinds and window). It works wonderfully... Probably lowers the temp in a room by 5 degrees. Of course, it makes the rooms pitch black during the day, but it's a trade off I'm willing to deal with.

  3. That's fantastic. You are so clever. I'm glad it's helping to lower the temperatures and the cost of the power bill ; )

  4. Hey that's pretty cool! And the curtain top with the jeans is sooooo cute!

  5. What a cool trick. Love the jeans idea!

  6. That is so brilliant! And the jean curtain tops are so funky!

  7. Love the tops of the curtins. That is so something I would do. The mylar idea is absolutly genuis. I might have to try it.

  8. What a great idea Melissa! And I absolutely love the curtains! You are so talented!

  9. great idea-i might have to borrow. The only advice I can offer on that one is to keep your blinds closed- that helps a ton with the heat in my house.

    Hey-I need your info for the swap. If you would send your name and address and real name if it is differnt than the name i know you as. I know that this sounds weird-but i have run into some confusion. Send it to sassystylin@comcast.net If you could get it to me by the weekend-fabulous!
    I will get you your swap partner info next week, so you can see what she is like and get her a little somethin special.

  10. Such a great idea! And the curtains are dang cute, too!

  11. very cute curtains and very clever.

  12. Very cool curtains. Pardon the pun..LOL

    You are such a clever girl.

  13. That is freakin genius!

    My helpful hint is to barricade the door with the force of your body and threaten your kids that you will execute them if they continue running in and out and wasting your precious and expensive A/C. It's very effective.

  14. I don't have any of my own tricks, but I'm going to "steal" yours. The curtains are darling, by the way.

  15. What an AMAZING, cool idea...I never would have thought of it! :)

    I'm completely the "open blind" type of person, who loves lots of light...which isn't at all energy efficient in our desert area! But we did a permanent thing that saves hundreds of dollars every year...we installed a Master Cool evaporative cooler. We use it in the spring, clear up until the end of June, then the AC has to come on, and then we can use it again in the fall. The big disadvantage is that it makes the house humid, which makes mine and Lauren's hair frizzy! :0

  16. i can't even imagine living in that kind of heat. i bet you have to get a little creative. stay cool!

  17. I love the blue jeans idea for the curtains. So creative!
    The mylar was brilliant!

  18. Holy cow sox! I only wish I'd known about that trick when we were still living in Vegas! Brilliant.


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