Monday, April 07, 2008

My family is coming to stay for a few days! I'm really excited to have them here. It's my parents and my brother and his wonderful wife! They are all a lot of fun to be with... it should be a great week.
And so, I will spend this week preparing. Scrubbing and cleaning and tyring to get things in tip top shape for our guests... well, actually, I probably won't work on it all week. You see, I'm inherently lazy. And on top of that, I'm a procrastinator... ILP (inherently lazy procrastination) is not an ideal combination, but there you have it. I find myself looking around and thinking "Wow, the bathroom needs to be scrubbed... but, then I'll just have to do it again before the fam comes... perhaps I'll just wait and do it Friday... maybe I'll sweep and mop the kitchen today... no, that can wait too... what about the laundry..." And the list goes on and on. So, my poor family has to deal with the dirt and the grime because I don't want to clean my house TWICE IN ONE WEEK. The horror.
Is there anyone else out there like this? Or am I the only person who suffers from ILP?


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I usually wait till the last minute, too, but it's because of the kids. No sense cleaning up too early. They'll just mess it up again!

  2. Me too. Especially with cleaning. If you don't do the dishes now, they'll still be there tomorrow morning, waiting for you to wash them.
    I will sometimes schedule a party at our house just so I can get it clean.
    I'm pathetic.
    I also have about 40 people coming over to my house on Sunday.
    Right now, I should be cleaning, but somehow I'm able to find all other things that I could do first.

  3. The liking of Chinese food worried me a bit, but this proves it - we're still twins. =P

  4. Hee, hee. Don't tell anyone this, but not only do I DO what you're doing (waiting until just before they arrive, rather than cleaning twice), when I have my husband's family coming for a party or something, I actually WAIT UNTIL THEY'RE GONE to clean! (catch my drift...?)

    Now, if it were my family coming, you bet I'd be all over it and have everything in tip-top condition! It's just that, when Hubby's family descends upon us, it's usually only for one day, and they leave the house in such a frazzled condition when they leave, I wonder if they hardly recognize that I actually cleaned for them!

    Okay. Honestly, if my parents-in-law are coming for an overnight stay, I do a good cleaning, but not so clean that my body hurts. Again, I save that until they leave. But at least they have a clean toilet to set their tooshies down on!

    In other words, I would totally wait until Friday!! Sorry, Hubby and kids, but you know we've seen worse, and 4 more days isn't going to kill us. ;)

    Good luck! I sure hope your visit with the family is awesome. How fun for you to have them coming.

  5. I have learned the hard it early and you'll do it again...and then again after everyone had gone home! Have a nice visit.

  6. Phew......I thought I was the only one with ILP! It's so nice to know that there are other people out there with this horrible sickness! LOL, I could have written this post, it is so much me!!

  7. Me too!! Today I did a lot of chores that haven't been done in a while, cuz we have company coming for FHE. If that isn't sad, I don't know what is. :)

  8. I try to stay on top of the cleaning, but if someone's coming the deep cleaning definitely waits until they come!!!!

  9. I don't see it as lazy. I see it as time effective. It wouldn't be time effective to do the same jobs twice in one week. I would start in my room. because I know it would stay clean long enough.

  10. Well, aside from the fact that I can't get motivated to do anything this week (except Scrabulous), I'm with you on the cleaning my house twice in a week. Nope, won't do it.

  11. Oh no, you are not alone. I am a major procrastinator. Why do today what you can get done tomorrow? If you wait till the last minute everything will look just that much better. Enjoy your company.

  12. Oh I am SO right there with ya!

  13. hey, i suffer from ILP, too. and i have company coming in next month. there are things i should/could be doing now. but i'm thinking, "why?!"

    good luck with the scrubbing.

  14. ILP is mine. Seriously, it belongs to me.

    No, I won't fight you over it! Friends can share a title, right? ;)


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