Friday, April 04, 2008

Yesterday I ran away from home. I called a friend and said, "I can't stay in this house for much longer! Let's hit the road!" And so we did. She came over that evening and we went out and about. We ate at this place... Where I realized that I had never actually eaten GOOD Chinese food before. I like Chinese food in general... but this? This stuff was amazingly good! My friend ordered the lettuce wrap appetizers pictured at the bottom of the photo here...I admit, I was skeptical at first, but these things are divine! I ate so much that I wasn't sure I'd be able to eat any of the other food they were bringing out! Our waiter was really great. Actually, now that I think about it, he may have been hitting on my friend... she requested extra lemon slices for her water and he brought them out arranged on a plate in the shape of a flower, he added extra meat to the fried rice, gave us fresh brown rice to take home, and was very good about checking up on us throughout the evening... hmmm...
ANYWAY! I ordered the sweet and sour chicken and my friend got the Mongolian beef. Both dishes were super yummy and we split the leftovers to take to our wonderful husbands who didn't even bat an eye when we said we were going out! (Thanks again!!)
After that we headed to JoAnn Fabric. You see, the one here in town is moving locations. So, they have put the entire store on clearance because they aren't going to move any of the old merchandise to the new store. It was like heaven! That is, if heaven were a concrete building filled with crazy women scurrying around trying to find the perfect fabric before someone else beat them to it... yeah... moving on!
Then we headed to the mall, but it was closed. But we weren't ready to be done for the evening... so we headed to Kohls and tried on all kinds of fun things. I ended up getting a new white camisole. Nothing exciting, but it was needed.
All in all the evening was fantastic! We laughed and talked and ate and shopped - it was exactly what I needed!


  1. Yay! What a great evening!

  2. Thank goodness for girls night out! Who can survive with out them??

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    YAY for you girl! PF Changs - YUMMO! That is our favorite restaurant. Next time, try the dry ribs with the special rub, ohhhhhh happy times! I love the orange honey chicken too... Hmm... I'm going to have to call a girlfriend up and go out too! lol!

  4. Okay, now I really need some PF Changs! Thanks for that. ;) They haven't finished building the one near our house yet. I have to fly from MD to TX to get my fix. Actually, we have one in the Inner Harbour in Baltimore (about 35 minutes from my house) but I go to Dallas more than I go to Baltimore! :)

  5. I LOVE PF Changs... like you, I'd never really had GREAT chinese until I ate there. We always have very nice wait staff there, and I'm always there with hubby. :) The lettuce wraps are my favorite! Now that I can't have sesame anymore, I'm going to have to learn how to make them at home and skip the sesame oil!

  6. I love, love, love P.F. Changs. I could just go there and eat the lettuce wraps and be perfectly happy.

    I'm glad you got out and had a nice time. Good food and shopping therapy are just what the doctor ordered.

  7. sounds like a wonderful evening. us moms (women in general) need to nurture and pamper themselves. i'm glad you were able to get out and have fun.

    i L.O.V.E. pf changs. i've always loved chinese food but hadn't been to changs until a few months ago. their food is so superior to any other chinese i've had. and i L.O.V.E. the lettuce wraps. i could just eat that as my meal.

    and i'm in awe if you were able to walk out of kohls with just one thing (and a small thing at that) =)

  8. I am so glad you got to have your girl's night out! I love PF Changs. Next time you go make sure to either get the honey seared chicken or shrimp! It is amazing!!!

  9. I went to girls night out on Thursday. It's so refreshing!

    I would die of happiness if our Joanns did that!

  10. I love PF Changs! I'm so glad you got to run away and have lots of fun! Hooray! :)

  11. PF Changs is one of my favorite places to eat!!! (I love the lettuce wraps) So glad you had a fun night. Good for you.

  12. Good for you!!!! It's amazing how a little time out can help so much. I'm glad that you were able to get out for a while and enjoy such great food and company.

  13. I need an evening like that.

  14. We have a PF Changs down the street from us!

    Apparently that's where all the old couagrs hang out in their itty-bitty halter tops and mini-skirts preying on young least in my neck of the woods!

  15. Anytime I get out of the house I feel rejuvenated. Yay that you had a great time!

  16. Yay for happy making moments like that!

  17. Oh.My.Gosh. You have never before indulged in this perfection of PF Chang's lettuce wraps? So great was my obsession that I found a knock-off recipe on-line. So great is my love. :-)

  18. Wasn't it nice to hear Elder Ballard advocating such an outing for young mommies??? Your hubby already had the right idea. I want to come next time! I love P.F.C.'s!

  19. ...or maybe he was hitting on YOU! :) ya never know!! that food sounds wonderful--i love lettuce-wrapped anything.

  20. I'm so jealous! That's one of my favorite places to eat!


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