Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Email
I always check my email before I go to bed. It's a habit that I've had for a very long time. Tonight I got an email in response to my entry for Stagecoach tickets... it said:
The bad news is, you just missed the cut.
Rats. But wait... what's that... there's more to the email...
The good news is, we had some extra tickets, so we're going to send you a pair anyway! Thanks for visiting InstantRiverside.com!
OH YEAH!!! Thank you so much Instant Riverside! Now I just need to find a babysitter... any volunteers?


  1. Congratulations that is exciting. If I were closer, I'd babysit.

  2. Woohoo!!! That's so great. Sure wish I lived closer so I could watch the kids for you.

  3. I don't even know what it is and I'm excited for you. Ok I'll go follow the link now.

  4. Congratulations!!

    I would babysit for you in a hearbeat! Except that I'm so far away from you, and I don't think my accountant Hubby would look favorably on buying a plane ticket to babysit a few states away. Sorry. :(

    Good luck finding someone though, and I hope you have a fun, fun time!!

  5. Hooray! What is the event anyways?

  6. Oops! I just noticed the link and remembered your previous post. hmph.

  7. Hooray! How exciting! I guess I can't afford the gas to drive to your house to babysit! ;)


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