Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ultimate Evil
Has anyone else had trouble with comment verification lately? The last few times I've had to type it in, the letters are so distorted that I can't read them at all! I've had to put it in over and over and in some cases, I've given up because it's just too wacky to figure out. So, if you haven't had a comment from me in the last little while, that might be why.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe the comment verification is out to get me by messing with my mind... it is going to attempt to slowly drive me insane and then it will eventually take over my blog! It will then subject you, my beloved readers, to random nonsense words - kind of like rap music. And in the end, it will drive you all away from me and I will be left alone. Curled up in a corner. Sucking my thumb. I think it's working already...
I did notice that some of you have recently removed the crazy comment verification from your blogs... and for that? I am forever grateful.


  1. You're welcome!

    I'm so glad it's not just me! I was starting to feel a wee bit paranoid.

  2. glad i don't have that verification. i did notice the crazy squooshed font yesterday. it was hard to decipher.

    when you get the chance, check out my post for today. you've beeen tagged =)

  3. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

  4. I knew that there was a reason that i never did that. Your welcome.

  5. I have it because I received a couple of whacky comments. Hopefully it won't drive you away from me. It really can be a pain sometimes.

  6. It was me who removed the squelcher of thoughts and ideas. I was having to retype the thing 3 or 4 times to be able to comment. Definately a deterant for those who already avoid commenting like the plague! I didn't even realize that I had it enabled this pesky feature till this week! Glad you addressed this urgent topic. I've been wondering if I was alone in my troubles! :0)

  7. Do you get spam comments without the verification? That's my biggest fear and the reason I haven't eliminated it.

  8. Yeah I don't want the spam comments. But not only are some of the letters squished sometimes they aren't even there. I have to refresh the page sometimes to even see them. Hopefully blogger will fix it!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I hate comment verif. too. SO ANNOYING.

    I rarely get spam- and if I do it is a snap to just delete the comment.

  11. I thought it was just me. Most of the time, I had to type them at least 4 times. But, I was determined it wasn't going to get the better of me ; )

  12. Uggh. Yesterday some of them were so squished. There was one I retyped about 5 times. I hate that.

  13. I don't have word verificatin either. I have yet to recieve any spam on my blog. I wish the same could be said for my e-mail!!!! The word verification was BAD for a few days. It seems to have gotten better though.

  14. I don't even know if I have word verification on my blog! I guess I'd better check now...

    I hate that, though, when the letters are so wacked out and psycho that you can't decipher them. Stupid. :S

  15. I thought it was just me too... the last week or so has been really bad. If I hadn't just been to the opt. dr for an eye check, I'd be thinking I must be going blind!

  16. I don't like it, but I put it on after I got a mile-long spam comment...then I got rid of it again because...I don't like it! ;)


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