Thursday, March 20, 2008

NetFlix Flicks
We watched two movies last night... this one...

And this one...
May I just say, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH CHURCH BALL! Yes, it had a few laughs, but really, over all, bad bad bad bad! The movie ended and we both just sat there for a minute. Desperately trying to figure out a way to get the last hour and a half of our lives back...
Enchanted was cute! Very girly princessy kind of movie... which means I kind of liked it. It was better than Church Ball, but I am still struggling to find my inner princess... Baby Girl and I will watch it today... we'll see if she likes it or not.
Have you seen any good movies lately? I'm trying to update my NetFlix Queue and need some suggestions... anyone??


  1. I have to agree with you on Church ball. Corny, corny, corny.

    I loved Enchanted. I liked The Bucket List. (not a movie for kids) I'm drawing a blank on what I've seen lately, and I haven't been to the video store in a while to even know what's out. If I think of anything, I'll come back.

  2. The Last Mimzy (good for the kids too). And Stardust (fantasy story, but adult oriented).

  3. i've never heard of church ball. and i'm the movie queen. but thanks for the heads up. i still haven't seen enchanted but plan to.

  4. Thanks for the heads up on Church Ball. We wanted to see it, but I don't know if I'm willing to waste that much time on it if it isn't too funny. I had a hard enough time watching Home Teachers!

    I'll have to see about Enchanted. Funny enough, Princess hasn't really gotten into any of those 'Princess' kind of movies. :S

    The most recent movie I've seen was The Lake House. I liked it.

    Keep the reviews coming!! ;) I like 'em.

  5. Enchanted has made it onto my favorite movies list! Sooooo good.

    Hmm, Vantage Point is amazing, but it isn't out yet. Have you seen "I am Legend"? Really good.

  6. I haven't seen either but have wanted to see Enchanted. We recently watched Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium and we all really enjoyed it.

  7. Church Ball sounds lame. :P

    I love LOVE LOOOVE Enchanted! It's more than just's hilarious! :D

  8. Have you seen August Rush? I loved it so much, I bought it the day it came out!

  9. I looooooove church ball.

    My Big Fat Greek Wedding is older, but I never get sick of it.


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