Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My kids went through the house today and turned on all the ceiling fans.
The ones that have been off all winter.
The ones that while being off have collected a 1/2 inch layer of dust on them.
The ones that I DIDN'T get around to cleaning before they were turned on.
I can see the dust bunnies floating in the air. You think I'm kidding? I'm not... great big dust bunnies... I guess, since they are flying, perhaps they are now dust birds or perhaps dust butterflies... that seems to fit their flight pattern a little better. The dust butterflies are happily flitting around my home.


  1. I look at my ceiling fan every night before bed and think the same thing.... I'll probably release the butterflies rather than actually clean it, though. Just so ya know!

  2. You are so funny, Melissa. I love it.

  3. NOW I'm glad I have no ceiling fans whatsoever.

  4. Oh, I know you're not kidding. I have the same floaters every year.

    heh. heh. Floaters... heh.

  5. Hee, hee. :)

    Dusting the fan blades has been on my list of things to do for months now... MONTHS.

    I hate it when it gets to the point of being 'dust butterflies' and not just bunnies!

  6. why does that sound so familiar? hmmm

    oh yeah, cuz it's happened to me too...more than once

  7. The last family party we had here. I looked up and about died. Mine were not just butterflies. Oh no, they had surpassed that and gone on to nesting Hawks. So I understand your pain. You know it's bad when you need to put down a drop cloth.

  8. that would be why i wont let my kids turn on my ceiling fans. So, maybe in a couple months, i will get up enough gumption to dust so they can be turned on. Thanks for the sweet thoughts that you sent my way. I truly appreciate all the concern. My blogging friends are the very best.

  9. this is funny - not really... i was sitting in my family room last week and happened to look up at our ceiling fan. and i gasped because i could see that 1" layer of dust sitting there. i guess i need to get to it before anyone turns on the fan :]

  10. Boy I hear ya. The sun came out the other day and I looked around at the cobwebs and thought "who cleans this house anyway" Oh yeah, that would be me. Dern it.

  11. Your house sounds exactly like my house! :0

  12. Papi won Husband Of The Year this week because he lovingly cleaned all the fans in our house while I was at work.

    My kids used to turn on the fans and watch the dust flutter and fall down from the ceiling and they'd pretend like it was snowing in the living room. It's funny and sad at the same time. :(


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