Thursday, March 20, 2008

Just So You Know....
If you ever cut up a Fresno Red Jalapeno, Hot Yellow Pepper and an Anaheim Pepper, wear gloves. If you forget to wear gloves, vegetable oil will help take some of the pepper oil off your hands. But rubbing alcohol works best... put a little on a cotton ball and wipe once. Then get a new cotton ball... just thought I'd pass on that tidbit of information... I'm off to buy some kitchen gloves that will be for food prep only...


  1. did you do that? what are you using all those peppers for?

  2. And, just for the record, don't wear your contacts when you cut up hot peppers. Wear your glasses. The alternative is painful.

  3. Oh, I try to avoid any kind of peppers whenever possible.

    Hubby hates it, because he loves salsa, but me and peppers.....

    Mmm mmm. (head shaking) Not gonna do it.

  4. Thanks for the advice. (I never get near jalapeno peppers.

  5. I make cream cheese and shrimp stuffed jalapenos every New Years Eve. I learned the pepper lesson long ago and have a box of latex gloves sitting on the closet shelf.

    The worst is when you forget and rub your eyes. Arrrgggghhhhh. Forget about Blinded By The Light, because getting blinded by pepper juice is much more painful.

  6. Sorry I forgot to tell you that. What I do to avoid cutting them up is if it's small enough I throw the whole pepper in the food processor.


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