Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I've decided to take a little bloggy break... I feel like my thoughts are spinning and my posts are forced. Something isn't quite right in my life... and I need to take some time to put my finger on it. It's nothing serious. There are just a few things I need to attend to... like cleaning and reminding my family that I can cook. No really... I can!! And I need to have some time away from the computer to try and work through some thoughts...
And so, the blog is going to be silent for a few days. Well, not really silent. The playlist will still be up and going.
I bid you adieu...(if you've been here for any of my other bloggy breaks, you know that I'll probably be back tonight or tomorrow morning... I'm not only confused and cluttered, but indecisive too)


  1. Ohhhh nooooo! Sad but I can certainly relate. Get some R&R and come back soon!

  2. Blogging breaks are the best! I always feel a little naughty not looking and commenting on other peoples blogs, and when I come back I feel like I have something to say and it's a little more meaningful. The Irish look is cool too!

  3. Ditto, darling. I think it's the time of year...

  4. Hope you can organize everything and come back soon!

  5. Cute design! :D

    I'll miss you. :( **sniff**

    (But have fun cooking! Yay!)

  6. I understand. I'll miss you. Love the new look!

  7. enjoy your break, see you in the funny papers

  8. I hope you find what you are looking for. I'll miss you while you are gone!

  9. I hope you find what you are looking for. I'll miss you while you are gone!

  10. totally understand, but hope you're okay. hope this break will be exactly what you want and need. don't worry... we'll all be here when you get back :]

  11. Take as much time as you need. I will be when you return. Good luck sorting out what needs sorted :o)

  12. Ugghh. After all that sickness you deserve a break!!
    Come back soon.

  13. I konw exactly how you feel. Enjoy the break :)

  14. Anonymous11:46 PM

    We'll see you when you get back!

  15. Bloggy breaks can be a VERY good thing! :)

  16. At least it looks lovley in here! Don't be gone toooo long, okay?

  17. Melissa Mind Meld....ACTIVATE!

    Yeah, I often feel the same way. I'm working too many jobs now and have scaled way back on blogging.

  18. i totally understand, come to think of it, i think every blogging, working mom in the whole world completely understands. I want all your blog friends to be my blog friends-you are some kind of popular! Hope to see back soon!

  19. I'll be here when you get back.

    Take care of yourself.

    Love the new look of the blog ; )


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