Saturday, March 08, 2008

Post 500
Okay... so technically, my post announcing my break was post 500. I've written more than that, but not all of them have been published. Sometimes I come and write a super frustrated blog rant. And no one wants to read THAT! So, it gets saved, but never published.
I enjoyed my bloggy break. Sometimes, I just need to step away from the blog for a few days. It was good, but now I'm back. My head is full of great ideas for blog posts... but I'm too tired to make any of them come out in coherent sentences. So, instead, we will do the ever famous "what someone typed into Google to find my blog". Should be fun! Away we go...
  • - really? Wouldn't it be just as easy to type it in the little box at the top. 4 people searched for my blog using the exact address... is it you? Would you tell me why? I am so curious!!
  • how to make an icing tiara - Several people searched for this one. That was a fun project! I hope you found this post or this one or this one with the final royal icing tiara
  • kank-aid - I think someone suggested this when I said I had a canker (or cranker) sore
  • jon schmidt - ah... the man is an amazing pianist! And, apparently, I spelled his name wrong in my post or you never would have found me. Try John (instead of Jon). I still have his stuff in my playlist... it's just more in the middle now. Check out his site here
  • uses for hydrocortizone - I don't remember this... maybe it was suggested when I had super dry hands... which brings me too...
  • cause of cut dry hands in winter - there are several variations on this theme..."cut dry skin", and "split knuckles dry skin"
  • cornerstones of marriage - this was part of President Hinckley's talk in our Stake Conference...
  • can you but Lysol bombs for the home - nope. I've looked. You can fumigate the place with about 2 cans... but, you should remove everyone first!
  • klutz horse isms - um... what??
  • glow in the dark obstacle course - we had something kind of like this for Red's birthday party...
  • stomach flu - ick... if you've got this, I'm so sorry. Get better soon!

And there you have it. Nothing too crazy, but it's always interesting to see what brings people here to my little blog!
As a side note, I have a confession to make. I didn't stay "off" my blog. One afternoon I spent some time messing with my playlist. I couldn't resist! And, as soon as they get a better link for David Cook's version of "Hello", I'll get it up there. (For those of you who don't know, he's an American Idol contestant... as well as David Archuleta who sings "Imagine" on my playlist!)

I'm Melissa and I approve this message.


  1. congratulations on 500 and welcome back. i loved that version of hello on american idol - he did a great job.

  2. I TOTALLY LOVED THAT VERSION OF 'HELLO'!!!! I'm a huge, HUGE Lionel Richie fan anyway, but I just thought that idea for that version was crazy awesome fun! :D

    I also loved the 'Imagine' that David did the week before. Wasn't so crazy about his performance this last show. But still good. :)

    Fun Google list! I wish I could figure out how to see if people are Googling me.

    (Welcome back! YAY for all of us!!)

  3. You're so cute! I'm glad to be able to listen to Imagine again...he did such a lovely job.

  4. You are toooo kooky! I am so glad to see you're back. :-)

  5. I love the "how people find my blog" lists! Too cool. At least yours is fairly sane.

  6. Both of the David's are fantastic. I loved David A's version of "Imagine".

    Congrats on 500! I think I'm about 1/2 way there. I'm sorry if I'm not very good about commenting all the time. But you should know, that even if I'm sporadic in my commenting, I am still a faithful Mejojac reader! I love your blog!

  7. so happy you are back. Your posts make me laugh out loud! So-you had better come up with something hillarious! I have great faith!

  8. Congrats on your 500th! YAY! :D

  9. Glad you're back! and hooray for 500 posts. WOW~!

  10. Welcome back!! I just got to 100 so that's a big deal in my world.

  11. Anonymous11:33 AM

    David Archuleta is my pick to win. That kid is so adorable! And he can sing, too!

  12. I like this change--even though I know that TECHNICALLY I'm LOSING an hour of sleep, it feels like a gain when my son wakes up at 7:45 instead of 6:45. Fall change=unhappy me.

  13. Congrats on the 500th post--that's amazing.

    I think it's so funny how people find blogs.

  14. I love those crazy things people look up that lead to your blog! So awesome! Happy 500!


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