Tuesday, March 04, 2008

When I was a kid I always wanted to believe in fairies. But, I was too much of a tomboy to really do anything about it. It would have severely damaged my rough and tumble image. I tossed all fairy-ish things to the side.
Then I grew up. Got married. And felt too old for fairies. So, again, I just kind of shoved those thoughts to the side.
Enter Baby Girl. I have said before that she is the perfect mix of girlie girl and tom boy. She puts on her plastic high heels, some jewelry, a crown and her princess dress to go out and dig in the dirt. She wants her toenails painted, but she wants bugs on them. She is able to blend the girl stuff with the rough and tumble. Except... I didn't know what to do with the girlie side of her. I tried to get into the princess thing. It's just not in me to be a princess... but then I remembered fairies.
At Christmas time I got Baby Girl a book called "The Midnight Fairies". It is a cute little story and it came with a necklace. She fell in love with the story. And what little girl doesn't love a little bling with their books?

Then, the other day Tracey at Just Another Mommy Blog put up a link to create your own fairy. We tried it out. We are both hooked on this site. We make a fairy or two in the morning. Then we make one or two in the afternoon. And she insists on making one before bed.
Then I told her about making fairy houses... another thing Tracey mentioned on her blog... the thought was intoxicating to her. She had to build one! So, we went out and found a piece of palm tree bark for the frame. Hibiscus leaves around the doorway, Bougainvillea flowers for chairs and decor, leaves for the bed, moss for the pillow, another piece of palm bark for the table, and twigs and tall grasses for the sidewalk. She was excited for a fairy to move into our little home. On Sunday, I stayed home with my boys (who were still sick but are now ALMOST better). I looked around online for some other fairy items that might interest her. I had a hard time finding dolls that I really liked or that were within my price range. So, I pulled out the felt, ribbon and yarn... I finished it yesterday afternoon. She's not the most beautiful doll in the world, but Baby Girl seems to like her. She has already requested a friend for her doll. We'll see what I can come up with....
I think she will be getting this...in her Spring Bunny basket this year! (More about the Spring Bunny in an upcoming post...)
It has been so much fun to have something that we are both interested in! In a way, it's like entering an unexplored part of my childhood and I can't wait to see what comes next!
***Update*** If you live in a rental home and someone else takes care of the garden, they will think your fairy house is just branches and dead leaves. They will remove it and throw it away... sigh...


  1. She's lovely! You are so, so talented!

  2. How creative!! Have fun everyday! And don't be afraid to wrestle. I did all the time with my girls and they are still girly with an independent flare! I am so proud of my girls.

  3. Melissa,
    I hope it's not a problem that I have to keep putting in my 2 cents.
    My only daughter was exactly the same way. We have pictures of her with pink shirt on holding a worm.
    Also check familyfun.com for fairy stuff. Your doll turned out great.

  4. You are SO talented and creative. That doll is darling. I bet you could sell them on Etsy for big bucks!!

  5. Hannah would love to build a fairy house. This was so fun and so cute!

  6. The fairy is adorable... and good luck with the house. Have you seend the Fairy Doors??? Google it, Babygirl will want one. Ok, so maybe don't google it when she's around.

  7. Oh, it's all so cute and magical! I love the house you made, and I love the fairy doll! I'm just so amazed by it! :)

  8. You are incredible. I love how you are always thinking and creating. Love the little fairy doll

    Can't wait to hear about the Spring Bunny.


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