Thursday, February 07, 2008

Blah Blah Blah
Still sick. I won't be getting around to anyone's blogs today... sorry. Red has a performance tonight that I'm going to miss. I hate that. Anyway, I'm going to lurk around the house and try to sleep. That got me thinking... does anyone lurk here on my blog? Perhaps it's a bit presumptious to think that there are people reading, but not commenting, but I've always been curious. So, if you're a lurker, why don't you come on out and play? I promise not to breathe on you. If you're not a lurker, I just want to say thanks for all the wonderful comments you leave. They always brighten my day and stuff :)
Now, I'm off to live in my cave of blankets. And to those of you who are also sick - I hope you're feeling better today. Let's have a race to see who can be healthy the fastest.. on your mark, get set, go!


  1. Not lurking, but still hoping for your full recovery SOON. ;)

  2. Yes! Get better soon!!

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I confess I am "lurker".... I often tune in to listen to your song mix as I do other things on the computer..... And you know who I am! :o)

  4. Prayin' for ya, babe! ~hugs~ Being sick to that degree is just so exhausting and depressing...but when you round the corner life will look so bright and new as a result. Really!

  5. Just rest and get ready for Disneyland.

    BTW, your hubby is great!

    Get better, kay?

  6. Have you canceled Disneyland? (Hope not) Are you getting any better/feeling any different? (hope so) I'm so sorry about that. Sick stinks.

  7. I am sorry you are sick, I hope you get better soon. I am not gonna lie, I am jealous that you get to sleep. I havent gotten much lately. I go to bed at about 2:30 every night...and get up at 6.

  8. i was wondering about disneyland, too. when do you have to decide whether to go or not? are you feeling like you're getting better?

    take care, my friend.

  9. Hope you're feeling better really soon, Melissa.

  10. I could never simply lurk here! :)

    Tammy and Parker

  11. Poor girl, I'm sorry you are so sickly. Feel better soon :o)

  12. I hope you feel better soon, we have a bunch of sickies this way too, not me yet, but I have a feeling it is coming!

  13. UGH. I have sooooooo been there with you. Hunker down and get better soon, my dear!

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    OK, Melissa~
    You already know I'm somewhat of a stalker, but since I comment once in a while, does that make me a lurker?
    ~~Jodi W.

  15. I'm a lurker....but I'm your favorite lurker, right? I am your favorite sister in law on the your families side...and the only one.... I actually hang out here and listen to your music! I love it!

  16. I lurk and comment, I'm two-faced like that

  17. I like lurking here, tee hee! :D



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