Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Rundown
Really, our trip was good. Just frustrating... I had the thought to check the weather again yesterday morning and didn't do it. :P Anyway, besides the cold temperatures, it was a good day! We got there and spent all of the morning in TomorrowLand. We didn't have to stand in line for very long for any of the rides. I think that 15 minutes was our longest wait!
Baby Girl and I rode on the rockets right as you come in. Then Red and Hubby rode Space Tours. Then Baby Girl and I jumped on Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. While we were there we got to see Buzz Lightyear and Little Bug was pretty excited about that! Then Red and I got on Space Mountain... he was not happy and almost burst into tears a time or two. He was scared stiff... but I kept asking him to just try... when we got off the ride he was laughing and was really having a lot of fun. Then we went to the Jedi Training. None of my kids got picked, but they still had a good time. After that we went to FantasyLand and everyone rode Dumbo - Little Bug didn't love it, but he didn't cry the whole time - so that was progress! Then Red, Baby Girl and I jumped on the tea cups. After that, Baby Girl wanted to see the Princesses. So, we found the place and got in line. Red, Little Bug and Hubby headed to Toon Town. We waited. And waited. And this is where the cold really set in. We froze our tails off because we were no longer moving. Hubby, Red and Little Bug came back after riding the Toon Town roller coaster. Now, please remember our version of Princesses....
Princesses Disney glitter
The boys came back with Red talking about how cool the little roller coaster was and Baby Girl was done. She didn't want to wait in the line any more. She was EXTREMELY annoyed that they had gone on a ride without her. We had been waiting in line for half an hour and probably had another 15 minutes till we got to the Princesses. She hopped out of line and took off for Toon Town. We tried to talk her into waiting, but she wanted to ride the rides. So, we left. As we walked away Cinderella walked past and we called out to her. She blew Baby Girl a kiss and that was it. Baby Girl was completely content with her Princess experience. She, Red and I went and rode the roller coaster in Toon Town. Then we went and ate at Pizza Port back in TomorrowLand. We got everyone a small souvenir and looked at getting sweatshirts so that we could stay a little longer. We could have come back to the park again for the price we would have paid for sweatshirts... so that was a no go. We all rode the Astro Blaster again - and Little Bug did okay. Covered his ears most of the time, but no crying! Then the sun started to set. And Baby Girl's lips started to turn blue... so, Hubby took her and Little Bug to the car so that Red and I could ride Star Tours. Baby Girl was not happy. She wanted to stay and ride more rides. But we got her a lollipop, so she calmed down quite a bit! Red and I finished our ride and met the others at the car. Then we were off.
We didn't get to see the parade and about half of the park! We didn't step foot in FrontierLand or New Orleans Square or anything on that side of the park. We just didn't have time. But, now we know how to get there. We know that Little Bug has fun and will tolerate the rides. We know we can go to DisneyLand and be outnumbered (3 kids vs. 2 adults) and still make it out of the park alive. We also know that we should pack for any and every kind of weather! And now that we know these things, we can't wait to go back!


  1. Awesome! I'm just so thrilled that you were able to go, considering how your week began...

    It sounds like it was fun, and I'm glad it was enjoyable, for the most part. Sorry it was so cold.

    I laughed about Baby Girl being content with 'her Princess experience.' :D My little 4-year-old has never seen a Disney movie. So we don't have Disney Princess hysteria going on here. I'm almost grateful!!

    Anyway. Glad it was a good time. :) Yea!!

  2. YAY! I'm so glad it turned out well after all!
    I'm just glad everyone felt good. (Mainly you, because the could have been disaster!)

  3. Lucky you not having to wait in line to see all the with 2 girls obsessed with princesses that is about all we did! Oh well they loved it!

    Sounds like a fun family day, I am dying to get back there now that they are all older!

  4. i'm so glad you were able to go considering the health issues last week. and i'm glad you had a good time. you definitely have to go back so you can experience the other side of the park.

  5. Yeah! I'm so glad it was a good experience in spite of the bad weather. I'm really glad little bug did o.k. (The noise is always so hard for them.) That's so cute about baby girl and Cinderella blowing her a kiss. How sweet.

    Sounds like you all had an awesome time. There is so much to see--but there is always next time.

  6. I'm so glad that you got to go!

  7. That is so awesome that you all fun. I've heard that you need have several days to get through it all and then you still need to come back and do it again.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your write up made me totally nostalgic for DL... someday I'll go with our kids.

  10. Yay! I am glad you have fun! Disneyland is bomb.

  11. I'm glad it worked out. Sometimes you need to do it once, just so you know what to expect and then you can really enjoy it the next time. I'm glad Little Bug did well.

  12. Disney! WooT!

    Happy Valentine's Day, Melissa!

  13. Glad you're back! Happy Valentines Day!

  14. I have an award for you today. Because you're such a cool mom!!

  15. YAY! You learned everything you need to know! I'm so glad you got to go, and I'm glad you coaxed Red onto Space Mountain. It's my very favorite ride! I love Tomorrowland, and Pizza Port is one of the better choices for places to eat! :)

  16. Yay! I'm glad it all worked out and everyone ha a fun time!

  17. Hooray! You got to go! Hooray, hooray!

    Ah, Disneyland. And I've probably said it before, but go on NEW YEAR'S DAY. You could even go in to see the princesses in 15 minutes, I bet.

    And parades are actually DISTRACTIONS for the rest of the people there so you can get on rides faster. (At least, that's always been my philosophy.)


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