Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stupid Weatherman
So... the weather said it was supposed to be "72 with a light breeze". Try "completely foggy, overcast, never hit 60 and windy". We were in shorts and short sleeves. Did you know you could get hypothermia at DisneyLand? It's true... well, maybe not really, but it felt true. I'll have to give you a complete run down tomorrow. Right now, I'm exhausted. It's 9:13 PM and I am going to bed!!


  1. Yeah, talk about Brrrr! today! I thought it was supposed to be warm this whole week. I want summer!! LOL

  2. only you (okay, not only you) would come home from disneyland - which is exhausting for anyone - and blog.

    i look forward to your next post :]

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    That's why they sell those outrageously overpriced panchos and sweatshirts! Hope you're having fun anyway!

  4. I'm so glad you got to go, but sorry that the weather didn't cooperate. Can't wait to hear all about the adventure and to see pictures ; )

  5. I think the weatherman is working together with the sweatshirt store owner.

  6. It could be worse. You could be here in Utah where we received another foot of snow overnight... again... Is it okay if I cry now...? :(

    Can't wait to hear about your trip!! I hope it was fun anyway.(?)

  7. I carry a spare pair of socks and woolen hat in the side compartment of my truck simply because the weather here can fluctuate so quickly. Well, except for May-Novemeber. It's pretty much guaranteed to be nothing but hot and miserable during those times.

  8. (I have a little award for you over at my blog.)

  9. I believe you about the hypothermia thing...I have very nearly frozen stiff at Disneyland before, when I didn't bring warm clothes and it ended up like you describe! Brrr! :(


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