Friday, February 15, 2008

Get The Lead Out
Tonight is the Pinewood Derby. I’m a little nervous for Red... last year he didn’t win one race. Not one. He was a pretty darn good sport about the whole thing!
He and Hubby worked hard on the car this year. Last year was a little... um... rushed. They may have put it off till the last minute and stuff... but this year they did great. They started working on it last week and did a little bit here and there till they were able to finish last night. Red and I worked on the paint stuff and I think it turned out pretty good!
Unfortunately, I won’t be there tonight. Who knew that standing in the misty, foggy, windy, cold weather at DisneyLand was bad for someone recovering from an upper respiratory infection? My cough is back and I don’t intend on sharing it with others. So, I won't be able to see if there are any victories this evening... I hope that there are!
But, win or lose, the car looks awesome!
(The little humpty-dumpty guy is one of the lead weights that Red painted and decorated!)


  1. That looks so good!! I hope he wins them all! Good luck Red!

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    That is the cutest car!!

  3. He'll win for original design even if he isn't the fastest!

  4. My boys NEVER, EVER won the pinewood derby--I couldn't count how many cars they've made. Red's car looks great. Good luck to him.

    Hope you get rid of that cough soon.

  5. I love that car.
    And I'm so relieved to be out of the pinewood derby stage. It seems like no matter HOW they run it, it always used to end in tears for someone.

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    That is just wayyy too creative! Cute! Good luck!

    Hope you get feeling better soon!

  7. Cool car! And smart to use the guy as a weight. ;)

    I hope they do well at the 'tracks' and I hope you recover quickly from this ridiculous illness.

    All illnesses are ridiculous, you know. Just plain ridiculous.

  8. Hey! Your blog has a new look already! I don't know how you keep up with it, but it is sooooo much fun for we spectators!! :D

  9. Good luck to Red! Ours is next month. But, this year I don't have to be involved other than just showing up! Woo hoo!!!

  10. Anonymous2:32 PM

    If you have a chance before the races, sand the little nails (axles) down with a real fine emory paper. And there's no such thing as too much graphite. Good luck! Jodi W.

  11. A pencil car!!! It is sooo cool! I hope he has a great time! :)

  12. I love that car! I hope he wins!

  13. what a great looking car. sorry to hear you're back to not feeling good.

  14. that car is so cute

  15. That's adorable! My son made a black pick-up truck and used the weights to look like exhaust pipes. :)


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