Wednesday, February 20, 2008

OH, Give Me a Home....
Okay, I don't want a home where the buffalo roam, but I would like an illness free zone somewhere. Baby Girl was better, but she's sick again. The main symptoms are cough, fevers and a desire to be awake. At unholy hours... like 4 a.m. She was up for the day at 4. I’m just a tad on the tired side.
Little Bug came home with a note from his teacher saying that he had thrown up... and they didn’t call me! They changed his shirt and kept on going. He doesn’t have a fever and he isn’t acting sick. And honestly, he is really sensitive to smells and has a gag reflex you wouldn’t believe! So, he may have just smelled something gross and lost it. But, shouldn’t they have called me? They couldn’t get him to change his shorts, so he had to wear his puke-y ones for the rest of the day... is it just me, or is that wrong on many levels?
Sigh... anyway, Hubby has a sore throat and a cough. My cough is coming back... I think it may be from a lack of sleep. Go figure. Red is the only healthy one in the family and last night I threatened to ground him if he got sick. He stared at me and said, "I don’t know how to not get sick! Mom!! That’s not fair!" Well, life isn’t fair, is it? What can I say? I'm a mean mom... and I'm tired of sickness!


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Um yeah, they should have called you. I would be a little peeved over that.

  2. Oh huge, huge sympathies! I thought we were done, but Emma started throwing up last night. Helllllp!

  3. Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

    I'm sorry, but I would be livid (okay, maybe not that bad, but somewhere near there) if they hadn't called me about my child throwing up. And especially, if they couldn't get his clothes changed. Grrrrrrrr. :(

    And lastly, here's a smile, to even out all the frownies I used here. :)

    And one more. :) (oh, and uh, love the new blog look!)

    Get better soon over there!

  4. 1. I would make sure you call the teacher responsible for your little man. That is just beyond wrong. Hailey was at a babysitter's (grown woman in my ward)house, she peed her pants and then the lady proceeded to take her to the park. I was so mad! Being on bedrest with Olivia, I just had to thank her for her "service"
    2. Emergen-c... airborne?! Get better already! We've been real sick too, just passing it around! Oh joy!
    3. Bummer about your pedicure experience. It does get pricey, that's why I usually go by myself. ;) But I thought every once in a while is alright!
    4. That's all!

  5. Yes, they should have called!!!!

    Sorry there is still the sickness thing hanging around, but good for Red.

    Hope EVERYONE is better soon--well, Red is already better ; )

  6. Maybe you should just give everyone the same lecture Red got.
    I mean, if it works, then hey....

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I don't blame you for feeling that way. It's hard when everyone gets sick.

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Argh! That song is now firmly entrenched in my mind! All it takes is one little phrase... ANYHOO - maybe the house just needs to be wiped down. That is NOT to say your house is a mess. It's just that I know when I wipe the walls, counters, whatever down with a bit of lysol, make everyone wash their hands a gazillion times, that the illnesses finally start to go away. A pain in the patootie though... Hope all of you guys start feeling better soon!

  9. It maybe easier to tarp your entire house and gas it with Lysol.... good luck!

  10. i bet you are sick of all the sickness. it's hard to remember what life was like when everyone's well, huh?

    well, i hope that's soon. take care.

  11. So my sister told me the other day, (as her kids got sick for the umteen millionth time, like yours) that her dr told her to make her kids change their clothes the minute they got home from school, wash hands, and take a bath if possible, just to try an avoid the crap that they pick up at school. Don't know if it will work or not. I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you.

  12. Yucky! Being sick makes tons more work when you already feel worn out. Hang in there!

    P.S. I'm glad you finally figured out movie #9...I didn't think it would be that hard.

  13. Oh, how I wish for a completely healthy family for you! :)


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