Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Wonder...
... do you ever get cofused when you come to my blog? I change the look so often... does it ever throw you off?
... how do people find my blog anyway? And why do y'all keep coming back? (Not that I'm complaining... just curious)
... who in the world is staying on my blog for more than an hour? (I have STAT counter) Do you enjoy the play list or what?
... will Blogger EVER fix spell check??
... how many times a day do you think I can change the look of my blog? I just might try that one of these days...
... if I were to show my blog at a meeting about creativity (to show the look of the blog as my "talent") would you all write some wonderful things about me and make me look good?
I was just wondering....


  1. Oh man, sometimes you blog so often it takes me a while to catch up. :)

    Of course we'll all write lovely comments about you and all your talents!

  2. I'd love to comment about your talents. I think it's fun to come and see what is new.

    And, btw, I have been guilty of leaving your blog up for the music--especially at Christmas time.

  3. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Actually, I read your posts via google-reader, so I miss out on what the latest design is.
    I keep coming back because I really like you and I enjoy the way you write.
    I didn't know blogger spell-check was broken... I just kept congratulating myself on my "error-free" spelling! Oops!
    I'll start checking out your actual blog to see your creative looks, alright? :)

  4. I have google reader, too, but I know I'd better click in anyway if I want to see the template of the day.
    I'm in awe of your talent and creativity in this department.

    I've only ever changed my layout once and it was a disaster. I don't know if I'll ever do it again.

    Good thing I like the chickie.

  5. LOL! I love all the looks and I wish blogger would fix the spell check thing too.

  6. You are highly entertaining :)

  7. I am so impressed with your talent. I'm never confused when I come to your blog. Why do I keep coming back--because I LOVE TO READ WHAT YOU WRITE.

    Name the time and it will be so easy to write wonderful comments--you make yourself look good, you don't need my help ; )

  8. I'm used to the changes...besides, it's just colours and patterns, etc...the format stays the same so I don't ever get lost. =)

    I come for the prettiness, I stay for the fabulousness of the blogger. Sometimes I listen to your playlist, I confess! I also bring up pages and then get called away and forget about them. Wonder how many people I've creeped out...

  9. I'm so impressed with what you do to the look of your blog. I don't dare try anything new. I would just mess it up.
    I'm probably the one that stays on for an hour. Sometimes I start reading a blog, then get distracted (I do have a two year old) and come back an hour later. I once forgot I had the computer on, and left the house for the day. I know some poor blogger was wondering who the weird person was who spent 6 hours on their blog.
    I would definitely write wonderful things about your talent.

  10. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Because you're GREAT! Never confusing, always fun, always YOU!

  11. I would be confused if you STOPPED changing the look of your blog! ;)

    I first came to your blog because I liked the comments I saw from you on others' blogs! I come back because I like you! :)

    I would love to write nice things about you for a talent meeting! :D

  12. Lets hope they fix the spell check, my blogs are starting to look silly with botched-together words all over the place

  13. I have a two-year-old, too, so I sometimes get distracted like Jill.

    I was wondering why the template was different every time I came. I like it because it keeps it interesting. (The writing does, too. Just an added bonus.)

  14. It could be me on there forEVER, when I am distracted by screaming, or diapers, or fighting, or.... then I forget I'm on and it just sits there for hours... until I can get back to it...

    Of course I would say wonderful things about you AND your blog! I love coming every day to see what's new, I love all the pretty designs, especially the fun headers. I'm amazed by your talent! ;)

    I keep coming back because, you're an awesome person, and I love to read what you write.

    (I, too, really loved your Christmas playlist! And I would campout on your site just to listen to it... GUILTY!)

  15. i was just thinking the other day, how did i start reading mejojac's memos? i don't remember.

    sometimes i'm on a blog and then i walk away for some reason and don't realize i'm still on that person's blog til i get back. and i think, they're going to see that on their sitemeter and wonder why that person is spending so much time on my blog. so, that could have been me :/

    i'm not confused over your constant change in the look - just surprised (although i shouldn't be by now) and somewhat awestruck :]

  16. Nope, the look never throws me off. I like the variety.

    I found your through Kim I think. I stayed because you are my kind of gal.

    I might be a culprit of staying on your blog for awhile because I will have it up to read and then get distracted and leave the page open. Happens to me far to often.

    I sure hope so, I can't spell worth a darn.

    As many as you like.

    Yes, yes and yes.

  17. You change your blog as often as your underwear. Change is good when it comes down to templates and underwear!

    I'll talk you up if you go public with your blog. I'll even censor myself and put a temporary moratorium on the double entendres.


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